29 January, 2011

Walk Away

I need to walk away from some pages in my life
I need to walk away from my bad memories
I need to walk away from my failures
I need to walk away from my struggles
I need to walk away from love gone bad
I need to walk away from suffocating friendships
I need to walk away....and walk into what God has in store for me
Holding on to my past is detrimental to my present and future
Walk away from your chains
Don't be afraid to shine your shine
You are worth more than you think
Letting go of baggage is necessary if you wanna fly and soar like eagles
Don't hold on to mistakes,
Let go, walk away
Its the 1st step to freeing oneself
Walk away.....
Refuse to be a captive of your past.


  1. ...........dont hold on to mistakes......its the first step to freeing oneself! i am comforted

  2. Marj...thanx...
    Anonymous....thanx...i aint holding to any...mistakes r my wisdm challenges


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