13 March, 2014

Finding My Window

I hope the days come easy Lord

I hope life gets bearable

I hope when the doors keep shutting on my face

When the darkness is overwhelming

When all seems cold outside

I hope I keep walking Lord

Till I find my window Lord

Show me the comfort of Heaven Lord

Teach me the peace that surpasses human understanding

Walk with me Lord

As I trample on scorpions and snakes

As the stormy seas wage war Lord

May I find your grace with every step Lord

More than anything Father

May I find my window of hope

May I find you Lord amidst all these Father

Till then Lord

I keep walking

Till the battle ends

Till the light shines

Till I testify Lord.

*This post is an encouragement to my family. We have fought numerous battles, but we keep walking till we find our window. Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows and one day Brian shall be 100% well and have a normal life....Till Then Jesus...Till Then.