29 May, 2011

I do....Ooops!!!

We are gathered here in holy matrimony

To witness the union between 'him' and 'her'

do you take her to be your lawful wedded wife,

To love and to cherish,

To guard and to protect

In sickness and in health

In good times and bad times

Till death do you part?

And he responds: Yes I do, Yes I do with boldness and without hesitation

Then comes her turn and the priest rolls out the same script.

Her response like her man's: Yes I do

And you may now kiss the bride!!!

Mr and Mrs Him!!!

Yes they do

They promise to stick to each other faithfully

To love in good times and bad times

To respect each other

To build their home together as one

As long as God gives them the breath to do so

Before God they seal their love

Before men they profess their undying love

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

And he shall be united to his wife and the two shall become ONE

Marriage is biblical.....Genesis 2:24

And we celebrate their union and shower them with gifts

End of the wedding chapter

The beginning of the marriage chapter

Wedding is a community engagement but marriage is between two people

And months pass

A year's anniversary is marked

The love is as fresh as dew

The couple is seen together

They are literally one in attendance of events or in their engagement in activities.

The single ladies admire the man and wish they found a man like that

The men congratulate the groom on finding a rare and quality woman

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord

2 years down the marriage,

Life and family responsibilities dawn on the couple.

Not to forget the corporate ladder gets steeper as responsibilities get bigger

They need a bigger house, a family house

The car model is ancient, status has to be maintained

The wife needs to maintain her youthfulness, the competition from the campus young ladies is steep

Investment need to be acquired

I mean, they are in the rat race full-swing

The pressure depends on what sort of rats they'd love to be

Before you know it

Familiarity breeds contempt

We are to busy to grow in love together

We drive to work in silence, fuming inside

Cursing on God and regretting the I DO!!!

He replaces the quality time at home with bar time

For a nagging wife awaits him in the home

He soon sips a drink that reminds him of his campus life

Re-ignites his past life

His arrogance covers the home

She soon gets tired of talking and caring

The nanny raises her children

She neglect her matrimonial home

Her mind is preoccupied with the corporate ladder

If her brains wont get her the jobs, her boobs will

Her success is acquired through the sheets with her bosses

The home that was blessed before God and man

Hangs on a string

This home becomes another statistic to prove marriages wrong in the 21st century

When we said I DO we made a covenant, not a contract

Love is patient, kind, doesn't envy or boast

Never proud,rude, angered or self seeking

Love always protects,trusts,hopes and perseveres

That is what we need between a man and a woman

Love that endures stresses

Love that endures economic crises

Love that is faithful to keep off that flirt

Love that guards the homes our kids grow in

Love that keeps its eyes on God

A house built on strong foundation will endure

A house on the ROCK who is Jesus will stand the gates of hell

Let us not be part of another statistic

If we must, let's be counted among the most successful marriages of all time

Let unions be a 3cord strand...God, him and her

Involve God in your dating...

Dont let Him in when it too late

Or else...

It will be a case of I DO...OOOPS, I THINK I DID scenario.

Marriages can still stand in the 21st century. Pure and faithful spouses exist. Seek His perfect will and guidance.

God bless


  1. This is well written! For relationships to stand, Jesus has got to be the foundation.Our generation needs to hear this loud and clear, human effort alone is futile!

  2. God helps those who help themselves. Prayer alone cannot make a good marriage, both parties must be willing to make the relationship work for the Glory of God, for the sake of their children and for the fulfilment of their own needs.
    Simply put Bev..

  3. Anonymous and jagdee....true tht...prayer and human effort(read as willpower) is very vital:) i conquer


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