09 June, 2011

He Go Go

I woke up very early with a dance in my heart and the faith of ten thousands of men. Yesterday is gone, today has come. You'd better rejoice in the blessing of today and forget the troubles of yesterday.

Remember the God of Joshua who led the Israelite into victory against the Jebusites, Hittites, Amorites and Perizites and all the -ites...He is the same God today. He will grant you victory over your Jebusites. They may seem victorious but the battle is not yours its the Lord.

Remember the Lord on the cross who said it is finished...well, He meant exactly that. Deafen your ears to the devil who reminds of your weakness and forge on with confidence for you have obtained mercy and found favor.

Remember the God of Esther, who took a mere Jew before King Xerxes...well, your favor will take you before kings. Your anointing will fulfill His purpose.

Remember Joseph,no one will stop your dream. Your dream will be your destiny. They may not see the "dream you", you'll hurt but stand firm. He who began the good work in you will bring it to completion.

The God of Ruth and Naomi. He will link you to people of purpose and connect you in miraculous ways that people will say his God is a God of His word!!!!

Remember the God of Abraham, He will do the extraordinary and He will be faithful to the latter. Stay faithful to Him only.

Remember David. His God looked at his heart and not his outward. He made him king, granted Him success and even when he failed and repented earnestly His God listened.

Remember the God of Elijah, of Zechariah, of Hannah.....Read your Bible to know the power of your King!! Dine with Him over a meal of His word, a cup of prayer and an aroma of worship.

So my dear, this song gave me energy and syke and reminded me that I am much more. He go go butter me bread, sugar me tea, clothe my body, shelter my head and so much more!!! You have the King of kings in you, live like royalty. If the princes and the princess of this world know how to speak like kings, walk like queens.....How much more should we of eternal royalty live??

Swag like a daughter and a son of the Most High. Reign, rule and take over cities. Doesn't the Lord give wealth to His people?? If you are an employee, be an exemplary one. Be a quintessential employer, an ideal intern, a meritorious lover, an admirable parent, a true to form and type kind of friend and a praiseworthy human being!!!

Have a first class royal day my dear!!!


  1. very inspiring.

  2. Carrole MweberryJune 12, 2011 9:54 pm

    You are such a blessing!!! HE is using u dear to speak to us. You just put everything so clearly....True!we are Royalty!

  3. Gal...u bless my heart...ol glory to God...online discipleship :) kip being royalty dear


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