Happy New Year people!!! 2012 is here with us. "Not by might, nor by power but by His
that we are here to witness the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
2011 is gone. 2012 is here. Everyone has a story of how their 2011 was
like, but no one knows how 2012 will be. All the plans we have for this year we
commit them to God by faith. The righteous live by faith. Well, who are the
righteous?? Thanks to today's sermon
I got to learn a few things that I think will be helpful to us.
Our righteousness is like filthy rags before God[2] but our righteousness
from God comes through faith in Jesus to all we believe[3]. So
where am I going with all these? God, the Bible records, made him who had no
sin to be sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God[4] Him who
was without sin is Jesus. God sent one who is blameless and pure to die for me
whose righteousness is like filthy rags that I may BECOME not BE LIKE but
BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD that is received through faith in my savior.
Whoa…so?? *Tiny brain monologue sessions* Follow me>>>>the
unusual is over!!
By faith my dear, we have God’s righteousness. This means that how we
walk, how we eat, think, sleep, talk, dance etc. etc. is like God. We acquire His
character. When God gives us His word, it carries His nature. Our measure is in
our SIGHT. Start the New Year with a VISION. We have already established that
indeed we have a firm foundation in Christ. With the new revelation, we have
the power to plan for the year. The Lord says, WRITE YOUR VISION DOWN. Habakkuk
2:2 Do you have a vision for the year?? Have you sat down and known from the
Lord what He expects from you this year? Do you know your position in the
Kingdom? Do you know your heavenly rights that the devil may attempt to
suffocate them??Where is your faith this year? In God or in Man?? Whom do you
live for?? Where do you belong?? Chart out your course this year my friend.
Know in whom you live, move and have your being!
Things of God have life, life in abundance. Start the year in God and
persist on in Him till His second coming. Maybe you began the year without God,
backslidden or totally unaware that you are royalty!! Well here’s your chance
to start a new life: Invite Jesus in your life through this prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I
know that I am a sinner living through my strength. Today, I want to know my
Father. So Lord, I welcome you to my heart, that I may receive eternal life.
Holy Spirit walk with me and teach me to know God’s heart and will. I believe
in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. In Jesus name, Amen”
Amen Amen!!! This is a year of unusual happenings. Where the old
mentality and life is gone and the new has come. Forget 2011 aches and pains;
carry the lessons and the blessings only. Every miracle of yesterday carries
tomorrow’s prophetic message. All you need is faith in God even as small as a
mustard seed. Value friendships, put God
first, cherish family and always be thankful to God. When praises go up,
blessings come down.
Nothing comes easy, there is a cost. The cost of discipleship. A
principle is not a principle until it costs you something. So forge on but in
the right direction this year. May God bless your vision, clear your sight,
guide your heart and open the paths for you that above all You may meet Him and
forever testify of His glory in Jesus name Amen.
Cheers to a new year, another chance for us to get it right and be a
blessing. The usual YOU, the usual LIFE, the usual THINKING, the usual LIVING
is gone.
Galatians 5:19-26 The USUAL is living life in the flesh, the UNUSUAL is
choosing to live life in the Spirit.
#Christ life without apologies or shame.
#Christ life without apologies or shame.
that was a long one. but its worth the time i take to read. i have no idea what 2012 has in store for me and i pray that God in haven will make the best of what i have. lov ur work. maybe this is the form of church i need. or the sermon pointers i get to brag about when i feel low.