22 April, 2012

25! Its a Silver Jubilee :)

Oh! You guessed it right. I mark a quarter a century today, the silver year of life. Well, it depends on how much of an optimism, or not, you are when you look at life! Either way, I am a proud 25 year old lady and very proud of my age. Yes, ageing is inevitable (ha ha at 25, what will my mum say?).

In the words of James Garfield, "If wrinkles be written on our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old." My spirit feels 16, my body is 25.  

On serious matters, thus far, it has been, it is and it will keep being the Lord's doing!! I live by faith and not by sight, I do not live in ignorance or in arrogance, I do not live by the standards of the celebs of this age. I am sustained by God and of God. This life has taught me some great deals and lessons. So here are my 25s: lessons of all time. Hope they will bless, encourage and inspire someone :)

  • Whose report shall I believe?? #MyGreatestLesson. Only the Lord's, the rest is grapevine people.
  • No matter what, family is family, whether they disappoint or they live up to your expectation. They can never be traded!
  • There are battles I have to face and fight on my own, for how else will I learn?? Don't baby eagles learn the hard way??
  • My life is an open book. Some pick gems from it, while others burn it up page after page.
  • Remember short breaks in primary school?? Life requires you to take short breaks and just breathe, feel the sun, like an update on FaceBook and just have a hearty chit-chat. It's never that serious (courtesy of @bwangila)
  • Inspiring music heals the soul, soothes the heart. You should try gospel music.....ministers to your soul.
  • Lies do not end relationships! The truth usually does that. Check your Bible, the truth sets people free. Lies bind us in chains that gets us mistaken to be Canaan. You are in Egypt if you living a lie.Trust me, I have been there.
  • Life takes time, I mean so far its taken me 24 years. Only God knows how long my life will take so I will make every second count.
  • My health, my wealth. Take good care of your physical health. Some people are dying to have good health.
  • The truth is without Photoshop!
  • Always be thankful and say so!
  • The days I ran around naked in the spirit are the days the devil is like "checkmate!!"
  • We have to lead people to more than Sunday morning services! (still on this one Lord)
  • Sometimes I am wrong, I make errors. Yes, I do and I do need to say sorry.
  • I have the right to pack up and go, or better still tell you to pack up and leave. I cannot live in a suffocating relationship just because!
  • I cannot do everything, there are tasks I take up, and there are some I decline and it does not make me any lesser of a person. It's just wisdom :-)
  • Invest in real friendships, it is the cushion of life.
  • Do not awaken love until it so desires (Yes I said it #tough)
  • I am first a believer, then the rest! No debate in this.
  • The good wife! my latest addiction in the list of series. Life is like a legal suite. We are always in the defense or the prosecution. We are always objecting motions, some get sustained and others get over-ruled.
  • Seasons change, friendships end, bad relationships die. Just never be caught off-guard in the spirit, know the times. 
  • My profession is my passion.
  • Be diligent in the little.
  • Know the Word, the devil knows it too you know.
  • Smile when your angry! It gives the tongue a chance to rest and say the right words.
These are my 25s of all times. 24+bonus :-) 24 was great, with a few unexpected occurrences. Those around me made all the difference. Thank you to God, my family, my friends, my readers, my colleagues, my church family and everyone who took time to make 24 memorable. At 24, I found grace, love, hope, strength and passion for life.

Here's to a new year, a new season, another chance for me to do His will.

It all belongs to you Lord.

Amen :-)

04 April, 2012

A Hurt Heart :-( :-(


We scroll our contact lists to give you a buzz, then we cancel the call

We send texts to your line, only to realise that the texts are permanently pending and eventually FAILED is the result we get

We write on your Facebook wall, then we realise there is never gonna be a wall-to-wall conversation

We post pics of you and wait for you to diss them

But all we have is long, loud silence.

We see you in our lives,

We dream of you,

We remember the good, old days

Just like the other day.

But it is never the same.

The pain never subsides,

The smiles never shine on our faces

The vibes are never the same

The vacuum left is larger than words could suffice.

There are days I flip through your Fb pics just to block reality and feel that you are near

That this reality is just but a dream,

I keep wishing that this is a serious prank

That one day we would joke about it

But my wishes, are horses that beggars never ride

Your kababes misses you greatly

Some things we will never understand

Its been 1 month, 11 days since you left

But the pain is fresher Wachira Waithaka

The sting of death, only we can tell of the pain

We miss you

Lord, carry us

Comfort our hearts

Cause what the devil meant for harm to be a blessing

To be a chance to value life, relationships

Above all, to realise, life of man is like that of a flower

We are planted, we nourish and someday we are uprooted

Rest well Wachira aka Bunjee. Rest well.

Comfort us dear Lord

Strengthen us

Above all redeem our hearts, save our hearts

Carry us in your arms Lord.

Heaven knows we sure need a hug

Thanks Bunjee for always being family! Wepukhulu, we baptised you :-(

*Tough times for us. Pray with us.

Remember to .....
If blog posts could speak, this post would wail word after word.

God bless,


02 April, 2012

Life in my Lenses

Morning people,

April it is. We are now on the second quarter of the year 2012. Not by our strength or might, but by the grace of God that we have come thus far.

Were it not for His grace, where would we be. If you are able to read this without any effort, take a second and thank HE who watched over you day and night. He who never slumbered as we slept without doubt that we would definitely see the next day.

If you planned an activity, a hook-up, a meeting, a wedding, a birthday and lived to see its fruition, take a moment too, for some planned and ended up not seeing the dawn of such plans.

Did you escape this?

Did you come close to this, or passed by a road, and several hours later see this in the dailies?

What am I saying?

Can you breathe?

Can you eat at least one meal?

Can you see the sunrise and the sunset every day?

Can you feel the scorch of the sun?

Can you afford bus fare?

Can you load airtime on your mobile phone?

Can you tweet, Facebook?

Can you smile?

Can you walk?

Can you breathe effortlessly?

Do you have to go for chemotherapy sessions every week?

Are you nursing a wound from a tragic road accident or fire burns?

#Enough said.

Well, we still ask whether God exists. He does. For by His mercies and grace we live. By His will, our curtains may close anytime after this full stop.

Be encouraged, to count your blessings and push on.

*Inspired by Baby Malaika's story

We often take for granted, the very things that most deserve our gratitude.

Have a magnificent and gracious month!