17 February, 2011

For a minute

for a while...

for a minute....

i kinda forgot wot it means to believe in oneself

i put aside the faith and belief

for a whyle i lost all i had built

i became still and lifeless

and the devil knew i was weary

weary in service...

reluctant in prayer...my only weapon....

shut myself in a cocoon

killing my inner self....

wetting my pillow nyt after nyt

silent screams.....headaches....

for a minute i lived like a pagan....

forgot the scriptures.....

the anointing...

the worship...

bt for a minute......

im reminded of the splendor of the King....

He wraps Himself in light...

darkness trembles at His voice

that is HOW GREAT MY GOD IS!!!!

and for a minute.....

i forgot His power, grace and mercy.....

Lord.......kip my mind and Spirit in touch with each other....

Lord take me to higher grounds....

that I may dine with you Lord.....

and through the fire......the whispers of the Devil....

let me stand firm Lord....

lest for a minute i fall and b part of the past Father.....

take a minute.....

Rem God......

His greatness. splendour......

and honour Him with every breath......everyminute.....

coz today u r here.......

tomorrow u r no more!!!!!!

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