29 May, 2011

They say salvation is hard

To some it is unattainable

To others it is a dream

It is for the chosen few

To some of us, it is a reality

Salvation requires commitment

It is a relationship between two people

Salvation is hard, if not taken seriously

Well so is maths, so is engineering

So is raising children, so is life!!!

But hey don't we succeed in Maths??

Aren't there successful engineers??

Look at the children being born and raised today

They become icons in the society thanks to some serious parents somewhere

We give life our all

We meet targets

We go an extra mile for earthly benefits

But, utter the word salvation

A whole man caves in

The perception is salvation denies me of living life to its full!!!

It is believed if you’re saved, you got no life!!!


He who gives life and life in abundance is tagged as shady

He who created the beautiful sky and suspends the sun on it,

Fixed beautiful constellations

He who created the oceans we enjoy

The beaches we lie on

The landscapes we admire

The handsome men we fall for

He who created everything and it was beautiful

That same man is ignored

He is disregarded, an outcast in many hearts!!!

He who gave His life on the cross

Was flogged for sinners like us!!!

He had the power to say ''This is too much"


He endure the cross for me and you

His love, His grace was in abundance for man

That same Man we dare ignore

Instead we worship MONEY

Our god is OUR WOMEN

OUR MEN are adored beyond the creator


We worship ALCOHOL!

One man said if the world was to end now,

He has to grab a beer because he is not sure he'll find his favorable brand in the next life

A sigh of disappointment

Where is the fear and respect when it comes to GOD??

Be careful how you address Him

Who speak foolishly before their Creator

Speak with wisdom

Know this Son of Man

It is a choice

Believe in your heart

Confess with your mouth

That Jesus is Lord

That is salvation

Salvation is by GRACE, never WORKS!!

The Lord washes us anew

Choose life

Choose Lord, the God of Moses, Jacob

The thief came to steal, kill and destroy

But Jesus came that we may have life and life in abundance.

Say Yes to life, and find life

John 3:16 John 10:10
John 3:5-15 John 12:24-26
Romans 10:9-10 Ephesians 2:8


  1. jst been looking at friends photos on fb n thinking th same thing...p.s.the art addution, i like!!!:)

  2. thank u :) baby steps....soon al hve a hard cover copy autographed:)


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