25 September, 2011

From a friend, with love

Well, sometimes it takes a song lyric

Othertimes it takes a good friend

To remind you of who you are amidst the storms

Well for me, this is God's avenue of getting His message home

For my Daddy loves me beyond how my mind can fathom

This time He used both

In the midst of my times with me,myself and I

I got to remind myself 3 things:

  • Bev, be careful not to keep learning lessons all your life
A very good friend of mine, whom i respect very much, reminded me that life is a learning field. Each day has its own wisdom, but not each day are we meant to keep learning and re-learning the lessons of life. There's time for everything under the sky.

  • Bev, know your strength
We crash down but we never die. It is vital for one to know the strength of their anchor to last through their storms. for how else will we sail our ship across the waters, wade through the waters and conquer what lies ahead of us?

  • Know your power
Your power is your key to this life. I am not talking about money, position or godfathers. I am talking about God! Our wisdom is foolishness before Him, He who knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb. God is our power!!! I was young, now I am old(well not literally but advanced abit :-) ] but I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their kids begging for food. Know your God!!!

Have a lovely Sunday my friends...I hope you too have learnt something.
Bless you.

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