21 November, 2011

Per Second Billing Attitude

''New Levels, new devils!'' so goes the saying! to some, we have added a little bit of sugar to the saying, ''new levels, greater angels too''.

In this cold season, some drive, some walk and others manage to catch a bus or train. We are blessed to have income to purchase the hot coffees or chocolates, the sumptuous lunch time meals we indulge in. We have our warm duvets, we have the gift of friendships to help us enjoy the weekend. We are blessed!!

Human nature limits us though. When we are too blessed, we take the blessings for granted and think we deserve more than the Heavens grant us. That is why we  rant about the rains, instead of thanking God for the little blessings. Have we forgotten that a few months ago our country was high and dry, with drought looming over our heads.

When the traffic builds up!! We curse at the government, the cars, the fuel prices, the numerous vitz filling the highways. Lord!!!

When we get an opportunity to enjoy some time at Olepolos or enjoy a game drive, instead of thanking God for the cash flow, we feel we deserve the blessings!! Forgetting to tip the waiter, if you can or assuming a donkey just served you, we hurl insults at them

Instead of counting our blessings, for if our God slept for even one second, it could have been worse!!!

How I pray, that you and I would assume the per second billing attitude. That each second, without delay, that we would notice our blessings and give thanks. ''Give thanks with a thankful heart'' says our Bible

When praises go up, blessings come down my friend!! A thankful heart blesses our Lord. Ephesians 5.20 says: always give thanks to God the Father for EVERYTHING. This means the good, the bad and the ugly.

Can we take up the per second billing attitude to God!! Thank Him for the gift of family, for faithful friends, for the opportunity to read your Bible, for saving us in our Youth, for our mindsets, for ability to make right decisions, for a loving partner, for bus fare/fuel, for coming through in big and small ways, for ability to walk and function well, for safety, for gift of sight and vision, for beautiful smiles, for a place to call home, for a sense of belonging, for the CROSS, for in love He gave Him to us and for us!!

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. The question is, have you used one to say "thank you?" William A. Ward

This is my second of saying!: Thank you for always being there for Bev. May God bless each and every heart. May God overflow your cups. For each day, I met an angel through you!


  1. Hapo umesema Bev. I realized those Vitz ambazo watu hu-dismiss zinaendeshwa na some of the most hardworking women (and men) we have... Na kusema asante ni kila siku. :)

  2. wow, that just made me feel like av been whining alot. Dear God, thank you for today. help me become a better me AMEN.

  3. amen Eric!!!each day we die to ourselves and our desires. blessings


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