12 March, 2012


Faith Faith Faith!!!

Faith that can move mountains

Faith as small as a mustard seed is still faith


Faith is the substance of things hoped for.

It is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see!!!Hebrews 11:1

Without faith, it is impossible to please God

This week, please God and put a smile on the King of Kings

And watch the King

Shift continents for you

Dry the rivers for you

Favour You before kings you know not

Watch Him slay the Egyptians pursuing you

Watch Him provide for you!!!

With Faith, you touch the Master's heart!!!

You melt His heart

What more would please a son than to see His Father delighted in him??

By the power of the Holy Spirit,

Where two or three agree in His name on earth, so it is in Heaven

Let us declare and decree

That this week we shall venture out by faith

Not by our might and power , but through His spirit

And with just a sling and pebble stones

Goliath shall come down with a thud

All to the glory and honour of His name

In Jesus name I do pray


You've got to have a baby's faith to understand a Father's might :)

Day One, Step One

Life is full of seasons

Even the Bible records that there is time for everything under the sun

There are seasons of summer and sunshine

That don't last a lifetime

As we need the winter seasons too

Then the spring and the autumn

Well, we need to enjoy the good the bad and the ugly

For through the rough times

We become stronger

When we are broke

We learn the value of money

Through the struggles

We learn to trust in the Most High

So my friends,

As we cruise on life's highway

Don't be afraid to take the first step into your season

For nothing happens by chance

God orders your steps through it all

So forge on with confidence

As God will be with you

Through the fire,

Through the waters,

Through the sunshine

Through the ordinary days

Trust Him

Enjoy your season

And learn all you can through it all

And you will come forth as gold!!!

Isaiah 30:15 ''In repentance and rest is your salvation,in quietness and trust is your 


My friend, baby steps into your season. While you are in it, learn all you can.God never tries out stuff. Remember God knit you together in your mother's womb, He got you child.Trust Him.

Worry Not!!

Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever  you go.

My word for the week is Be Strong...Worry not!!!
Being strong is not an option, it is a command from our Father.
Jesus warned us not to worry...we should be like birds of the air, care free.

''For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to to his life?'' Mt 6:25

Worry is not worship!!!Worry robs us of the power to worship as it diverts our focus from God to our situation. Worry glorifies the problem and minimizes the value,power and potential of a solution. It minimizes the power of God in our lives.

So my friends, do not get distracted by the devil's tactic of bringing fear upon us. Jesus is more important than the problem before us.

God has not given us a Spirit of fear His word records that. Fear is not of God.

This week I want to ignore the enemy and worship the King through my trials and temptations.

For if I learn to worship while the enemy sits across from me at the same table,

If I learn to pay such close attention to the King of Kings that I forget about the enemy staring at my face,

Then I get to win.

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Mt6.34

Peace be upon you my friends....not peace as the world gives...but peace that surpasses all human understanding.


Give me some hope

Give me some hope

Give me some hope

Give me some hope

Push me a mile

Push me a mile

And a mile some more

Cut me some slack with all the negativity

I do not need any more attitude

Anymore hatred, hypocrisy et.al

The world is already a cold place as it is

A cruel place, that I cannot call home no more

Warm my heart

Warm my life

That I may forget the coldness outside

Give me some hope my friend

Push me a mile my mother

Give me some hope.

Home is where my heart is

Home is where I find warmth in

My friend, push me a mile

A mile in the right direction

Towards hope, love and peace.