19 February, 2011

He is Supreme

Have you ever sat down and just thought about you and God...

be in that quiet place and dine with God...not snack@Hz table and rush out.

Have you ever given Him your all??

A portion of your time and roach/sit @His crib,where Hz presence is???

I've come to realize many are the

times I'm too busy doing chores,

running to class,attending to my own

personal business that I forgot to

even tell God good morning...

imagine i can't forget to holla at my

best friend,attend lecture...etc etc but I

can forget Him who made me...

most people are busy giving their

time to their relationships,hobbies,

talent or desires...we spend our

lives hooking up,gossiping,doing

extra curricula activities,looking for

love else where yet God waits on us

wide open hands...to embrace us,kiss

us,shelter us,bond with us...

it is ironic how we ignore He who

loves us deeply and honestly to the

point of giving up His only Son 4 me...

for Naliaka...sinful as I am before Him

I realized that its about time He took

that supreme position He's entitled to

lets all give up our idols

be it your man,chick,booze,money,


worship the Lord God,Jehovah!!

lets all tap on God's presence,

lets hang out with Him,

lets dine with Him,

for this is our core business on earth.

So my dear Lord,

forgive me for snacking at your feast,

nibbling at your righteousness

Picking at your promises,

showing up at your table only when I have time...

I'm malnourished by choice Lord...

I choose life,

I choose you to be my Lord God!!



  1. oooh hw bad weve treated our maker 4 real. may you forgive us Lord....soo deep Bev!!!

  2. my prayer too Tito that i may dine with Him first before i do so with the world...thanx dear


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