Tears don't flow 365 days a year
Sometimes we go through tough times
Such times dry up our tears
When our tears dry up
My mind unlocks
I get to see beyond my pain
I get to realize that maybe the pain was worth it
And sometimes Bev
You need to cry it off to shake it off
But most importantly
Bev needs to dry the tears up
To forge on
I need to see clearly
Thats when the tears dry up.
29 April, 2011
24 April, 2011
Let go, let flow
God says:come unto me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.For his yoke is easy and His burden is light. Come to think of that verse all i can say is my wisdom is foolishness before my God.Forget the former things and set your eyes on the prize.
The Lord surely did know the power of letting go. Lot's wife was instructed by God in the destruction of Sodom not to look back. But you know humans, especially women.Curiosity does seem to kill us. So she turned back and lo and behold!!!!God has a sense of humour. He literally turned her into a pillar of salt.
What am I trying to say??
You need to let go. There is a reason why the past is behind us. There is a power that is tapped when we are forward looking. There is life in fixing your eyes on the prize lest we turn into a pillar of salt.
Never let yesterday use up too much of today a wise man once said. The more a man looks back, the less he gets ahead.
So let go, let healing flow Bev.
Let go of failure,
Bev they are just opportunities to start all over again intelligently
Let your heart loose Bev
Dont cage it or chain it
Let it bleed and cry and it will heal
Let the tears flow
Find healing Bev
Stop looking over your shoulders and wishing
There is a reason why Sodom and Gomorrah is being set ablaze
Let the Lord do His thing for Sodom disgusts Him
Without Sodom being set ablaze
Favour is blocked
His glory is hidden
Let it burn and dont look back
Let the past go
Let the burdens roll
Let the Lord reign
Let the healing flow
Let life flow
Lest you become like a pillar of salt
Let it go my dear.
Can I dream?
Sometimes life is a harsh reality
Sometimes life is hell on earth
Life can be a rude shock
I love to dream
For dreams are my getaways when hell breaks loose
They are like taking sabatical leaves
A break off th harshness
So i dream
I dream of life without pain
I dare to dream of true love
Life without fornication and adultery
Life without chips fungas or mpango wa kando wrecking homes and marriages
I dream of men taking positions
Being role models, fathers and husbands
I dream of women making and not wrecking homes
Women who cover their homes with love and prayers
I dream of children
Children who respect,
Who are secure
No sodomy, no rape
I dream of leaders who serve with integrity
I dream of a world that fair and not corrupt
I dream of sincerity of neighbours
The genuiness of friendship
Can dreams be a reality??
Can life be fair??
Can pure love be sought??
Can marriages survive??
Or shall the children keep crying out to God
To save their drunken father??
To save their parents' marriages??
Will children keep being tormented by the harshness of life??
That's why i dare to dream
For dreams open my eyes
Give me a fresh outlook of life
I dare to dream
I dare to live that dream
I dare to be different
I dont wanna be a cliche woman!!!!!!
Sometimes life is hell on earth
Life can be a rude shock
I love to dream
For dreams are my getaways when hell breaks loose
They are like taking sabatical leaves
A break off th harshness
So i dream
I dream of life without pain
I dare to dream of true love
Life without fornication and adultery
Life without chips fungas or mpango wa kando wrecking homes and marriages
I dream of men taking positions
Being role models, fathers and husbands
I dream of women making and not wrecking homes
Women who cover their homes with love and prayers
I dream of children
Children who respect,
Who are secure
No sodomy, no rape
I dream of leaders who serve with integrity
I dream of a world that fair and not corrupt
I dream of sincerity of neighbours
The genuiness of friendship
Can dreams be a reality??
Can life be fair??
Can pure love be sought??
Can marriages survive??
Or shall the children keep crying out to God
To save their drunken father??
To save their parents' marriages??
Will children keep being tormented by the harshness of life??
That's why i dare to dream
For dreams open my eyes
Give me a fresh outlook of life
I dare to dream
I dare to live that dream
I dare to be different
I dont wanna be a cliche woman!!!!!!
22 April, 2011
Ategisin Jehovah
Ategisin Jehovah
With my all and everything
I salute my Lord my King
I can only praise and worship Him
Thank You Lord
Thank you for saving me in my youth
Thank you for sustaining me
For guarding me from falling
For covering my shame
For favor,
For your faithfulness Lord
For abundance
I was young and now I am old but I have never seen the righteous forsaken
You are king of my life
The Lord over me
I salute the Prince of Peace
Thank you for giving me a chance to finish 8-4-4
For the integrity and the capacity to think
I dont take it for granted
For favour in my transcript
I bless my Lord
For friends Lord
They have been my little angels
Lord I am grateful
For the gift of family
Thank you Lord
For Concert family...
I bless u Lord
They have taught me alot
For classmates Lord
They mean alot to me
Thank you Father
I salute you
I bless you
With my life
With my love
With my body
With my salvation
With my education
With my all Lord
I raise them up to You
All for the glory and honour
Of the Lord my King.
This is for you Lord
Lover of my soul.
With my all and everything
I salute my Lord my King
I can only praise and worship Him
Thank You Lord
Thank you for saving me in my youth
Thank you for sustaining me
For guarding me from falling
For covering my shame
For favor,
For your faithfulness Lord
For abundance
I was young and now I am old but I have never seen the righteous forsaken
You are king of my life
The Lord over me
I salute the Prince of Peace
Thank you for giving me a chance to finish 8-4-4
For the integrity and the capacity to think
I dont take it for granted
For favour in my transcript
I bless my Lord
For friends Lord
They have been my little angels
Lord I am grateful
For the gift of family
Thank you Lord
For Concert family...
I bless u Lord
They have taught me alot
For classmates Lord
They mean alot to me
Thank you Father
I salute you
I bless you
With my life
With my love
With my body
With my salvation
With my education
With my all Lord
I raise them up to You
All for the glory and honour
Of the Lord my King.
This is for you Lord
Lover of my soul.
19 April, 2011
4 days late
Day one
Day two
Day three
Still no change
Week after week
Still no change
Year'after year
She still waits on God
That God may save her husband
That God may bring peace in her family
That God may cure her brother
That God may deliver her alcoholic father
That God may save her friends
That God this....
That God that.....
10 years later and still counting
Still praying
No words come out of her mouth
Her tears are her prayers
Will God show her father the light??
Will her mother see the value of God??
Will her brother find healing??
Will her sister realize that she is a gem, a rare jewel and not an equipment to men??
Will her friends choose the path of Yahweh??
Will she find the peace of life??
You name it
The devil seems to have conquered her environment
She only hides in God alone
For how long she wonders??
When will God speak
Will He whisper atleast??
This is just too much to handle
But as she goes through this year after year
She learns
Her faith is rebuilt
Her worries turn into pillars of Faith
Her tears turn into gallons of hope
Her fears become her source of strength
She learns He may be late but His timing is always excellent
She quits holding her fist against the Lord
And she waits on Him
The devil meant this for harm
But Jehovah knows
She arises her spirit
God is not limited to life only
He conquered the grave too
Alot of kneeling before her Master
Keeps her in good standing
God may be four hours late
Or even four days late
Four years
For centuries
You name it
But He never does things uphazardly
He is a God of order
You may be waiting for a healing
But God is paving way for your resurrection
My situation may stink
But God will put an aroma, a fresh fragrance in your life
If only you wait and believe.
While your waiting my dear,
Serve Him with the fullness of heart
Trust Him
For trust is faith that has said prayers
Something good will come out of your 'crap'
God does have you in mind
Even when He is 'four days late'
Day two
Day three
Still no change
Week after week
Still no change
Year'after year
She still waits on God
That God may save her husband
That God may bring peace in her family
That God may cure her brother
That God may deliver her alcoholic father
That God may save her friends
That God this....
That God that.....
10 years later and still counting
Still praying
No words come out of her mouth
Her tears are her prayers
Will God show her father the light??
Will her mother see the value of God??
Will her brother find healing??
Will her sister realize that she is a gem, a rare jewel and not an equipment to men??
Will her friends choose the path of Yahweh??
Will she find the peace of life??
You name it
The devil seems to have conquered her environment
She only hides in God alone
For how long she wonders??
When will God speak
Will He whisper atleast??
This is just too much to handle
But as she goes through this year after year
She learns
Her faith is rebuilt
Her worries turn into pillars of Faith
Her tears turn into gallons of hope
Her fears become her source of strength
She learns He may be late but His timing is always excellent
She quits holding her fist against the Lord
And she waits on Him
The devil meant this for harm
But Jehovah knows
She arises her spirit
God is not limited to life only
He conquered the grave too
Alot of kneeling before her Master
Keeps her in good standing
God may be four hours late
Or even four days late
Four years
For centuries
You name it
But He never does things uphazardly
He is a God of order
You may be waiting for a healing
But God is paving way for your resurrection
My situation may stink
But God will put an aroma, a fresh fragrance in your life
If only you wait and believe.
While your waiting my dear,
Serve Him with the fullness of heart
Trust Him
For trust is faith that has said prayers
Something good will come out of your 'crap'
God does have you in mind
Even when He is 'four days late'
18 April, 2011
Stand your ground Man
If there's one thing men(this case refering to male species) were created to do is to lead.
Men were born to be leaders and authority figures
Its in their nature to offer way forwards, to be undefeated.
They love to lead
But of what benefit is a man who cannot stand on his own feet??
Who cannot engage his brain to think,analyse and make decisions on his own??!!!!
It is not forbidden for man to consult,
But I'm referring to men who follow the wind
They grasp at anything the world offers
They are the flow of the wave
How will such a man direct his family if he cannot manage his own life??
He who is faithful with little,much shall be entrusted to him
Can you trust the word of a mad man?
Absolutely not!!!!
God created man the head of family.
He instructed him to love his wife as Christ loved the church.
Christ lead the church even when no one believed in Him
He guided the disciples
He taught them kingdom principles
He even prayed with them and for them
He loved them
He provided for them
He even fed them
Thats the man.
A man has to find his identity in His maker
Do we buy vitz spareparts for a prado??
Unheard of!!!!
Then why are men trying to re-engineer themselves
Tune your radar to your Master
He'll bring out the Father in you,
The husband in you
The leader in you
The High priest in you
The worshipper in you
He will give you wisdom
That other men will envy
He'll bless your household
He'll anoint you with favour and respect
Stand your ground
Not on sinking sand
But on the Solid Rock men
That's Jesus.
Men were born to be leaders and authority figures
Its in their nature to offer way forwards, to be undefeated.
They love to lead
But of what benefit is a man who cannot stand on his own feet??
Who cannot engage his brain to think,analyse and make decisions on his own??!!!!
It is not forbidden for man to consult,
But I'm referring to men who follow the wind
They grasp at anything the world offers
They are the flow of the wave
How will such a man direct his family if he cannot manage his own life??
He who is faithful with little,much shall be entrusted to him
Can you trust the word of a mad man?
Absolutely not!!!!
God created man the head of family.
He instructed him to love his wife as Christ loved the church.
Christ lead the church even when no one believed in Him
He guided the disciples
He taught them kingdom principles
He even prayed with them and for them
He loved them
He provided for them
He even fed them
Thats the man.
A man has to find his identity in His maker
Do we buy vitz spareparts for a prado??
Unheard of!!!!
Then why are men trying to re-engineer themselves
Tune your radar to your Master
He'll bring out the Father in you,
The husband in you
The leader in you
The High priest in you
The worshipper in you
He will give you wisdom
That other men will envy
He'll bless your household
He'll anoint you with favour and respect
Stand your ground
Not on sinking sand
But on the Solid Rock men
That's Jesus.
17 April, 2011
When you need to hear Him!!!
Sometimes I think the devil tries too much.But then again, he is within his job mandate. Of late, I seem to be encountering a lot of trouble in my life. A lot of stuff is happening within me and let’s just say the devil is trying too much.
So I sat alone in my lone time and tried to speak to the heavens. I took the verse ‘come lets reason together’ practically. So I spoke to my maker, because He understands me so well than I do.
After the whining and the endless grumbling, God had this to say:
“My daughter, I called you by name to serve me. Each day you walk, you are highly favored. People look up to you. They respect you. You have never lacked and when you did, I came through. You smile through it all…that is my power in you.
Quit with the grumbling Bev!! When praises go up, blessings come down. You have been sitting on your blessing for way too long. It’s time to arise and shine.
Invest in prayer. Value true worship. Commune with me and watch me do wonders that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has perceived.
Everything is a mess in your life my child, for such a time as this. That the glory of my Name shall be revealed and to you and through you to many others.
When you gave your life to me, you were not taking a walk of shame my daughter, praise me in the storm and watch me prove to you and the world that you are a daughter of the Most High!!!”
I then looked at myself and said to God:
“I have made you too small in my life. Oh Lord, forgive me!!!! I have believed in the lie that you are unable to help.
I want to serve you Lord while I am waiting on You”
So my dear, believer, Lord never sleeps nor slumbers.
If you are in the pit of life like me, fear not. He watches over His own. Like Joseph, He shall redeem us, and deliver us before the Kings. We shall find favor and rule. Not that we deserve this, but because God is graceful. He remembers the tears we shed.
Ps: make it your goal to encourage somebody out there. Spread the love of Christ.
God bless.
So I sat alone in my lone time and tried to speak to the heavens. I took the verse ‘come lets reason together’ practically. So I spoke to my maker, because He understands me so well than I do.
After the whining and the endless grumbling, God had this to say:
“My daughter, I called you by name to serve me. Each day you walk, you are highly favored. People look up to you. They respect you. You have never lacked and when you did, I came through. You smile through it all…that is my power in you.
Quit with the grumbling Bev!! When praises go up, blessings come down. You have been sitting on your blessing for way too long. It’s time to arise and shine.
Invest in prayer. Value true worship. Commune with me and watch me do wonders that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has perceived.
Everything is a mess in your life my child, for such a time as this. That the glory of my Name shall be revealed and to you and through you to many others.
When you gave your life to me, you were not taking a walk of shame my daughter, praise me in the storm and watch me prove to you and the world that you are a daughter of the Most High!!!”
I then looked at myself and said to God:
“I have made you too small in my life. Oh Lord, forgive me!!!! I have believed in the lie that you are unable to help.
I want to serve you Lord while I am waiting on You”
So my dear, believer, Lord never sleeps nor slumbers.
If you are in the pit of life like me, fear not. He watches over His own. Like Joseph, He shall redeem us, and deliver us before the Kings. We shall find favor and rule. Not that we deserve this, but because God is graceful. He remembers the tears we shed.
Ps: make it your goal to encourage somebody out there. Spread the love of Christ.
God bless.
13 April, 2011
Food for my soul*
I have just been thinking about life
Life does have a way of short changing us sometimes
The criteria for whose favoured by this life or not, lies in the heavens
Sometimes you need to be tired
Sometimes its important to surrender
Surrendering is a form of defeat
But not when the fight is not worth it
Some blessings are found in letting go
I have reached that point
Im not struggling anymore at some things
I mean im not in the business of trying to save the world
So im cutting off some slack
On those relations that are draining
Instead of fulfilling
Tired of being your angel
Its time i showed some care to the needy
The proud are too busy to notice these acts of love
I need to rejuvenate
Or else the arrogance of your words
Will kill me
The stubborness of your heart is annoying
The betrayal kiss pierces my heart like a sword
I need me a vacation in the splendor of heaven
Find me at my Master's feet
For my feet wont accompany you to evil no more
My heart wont cry for you no more
Someday you'll realize that all i ever did was because of God
For my main duty on this earth is to serve Him
The rest is extra-curricular.
So my soul wont weep no more for love thats not fulfilling
I crave not for hypocritical friendships
I miss not the days of crime
My eye is on the prize
Join the race
Follow Christ
Life does have a way of short changing us sometimes
The criteria for whose favoured by this life or not, lies in the heavens
Sometimes you need to be tired
Sometimes its important to surrender
Surrendering is a form of defeat
But not when the fight is not worth it
Some blessings are found in letting go
I have reached that point
Im not struggling anymore at some things
I mean im not in the business of trying to save the world
So im cutting off some slack
On those relations that are draining
Instead of fulfilling
Tired of being your angel
Its time i showed some care to the needy
The proud are too busy to notice these acts of love
I need to rejuvenate
Or else the arrogance of your words
Will kill me
The stubborness of your heart is annoying
The betrayal kiss pierces my heart like a sword
I need me a vacation in the splendor of heaven
Find me at my Master's feet
For my feet wont accompany you to evil no more
My heart wont cry for you no more
Someday you'll realize that all i ever did was because of God
For my main duty on this earth is to serve Him
The rest is extra-curricular.
So my soul wont weep no more for love thats not fulfilling
I crave not for hypocritical friendships
I miss not the days of crime
My eye is on the prize
Join the race
Follow Christ
The music in my heart
Listen to the words of my heart
A melody I cant complete
Listen to the beat of my heart
Dance to my music
For my heart is musical
Join me at the dance floor
Groove to my beat
The heart has chosen
Picked to share th floor with you
Will you dance with me?
Sooth my heart
Take my hand
Dance with me
My heart has chosen you
You to love and to hold
You to cherish through thick and thin
To walk with through this life
I wanna dance with you through this life
And when the music stops
I want to sit by you in silence
When it gets hard
I want to cry and pray with you
I wanna be one with you
Bear your name
Be the mother of your children
Listen to my heart
I wanna be the wife of your youth to your old age
Will you dance to the tune in my heart love?
A melody I cant complete
Listen to the beat of my heart
Dance to my music
For my heart is musical
Join me at the dance floor
Groove to my beat
The heart has chosen
Picked to share th floor with you
Will you dance with me?
Sooth my heart
Take my hand
Dance with me
My heart has chosen you
You to love and to hold
You to cherish through thick and thin
To walk with through this life
I wanna dance with you through this life
And when the music stops
I want to sit by you in silence
When it gets hard
I want to cry and pray with you
I wanna be one with you
Bear your name
Be the mother of your children
Listen to my heart
I wanna be the wife of your youth to your old age
Will you dance to the tune in my heart love?
12 April, 2011
Does She ever??....Does He?
Does she ever
Take a minute and pause
See the world through her mother's eyes
Through her tears
Does he ever
Reconsider his actions
Knowing it will hurt, tear and reap somebody out there??
Does she take a minute
Before closing that door with a man she knows not
And reconsider what she is binding herself to??
Does he pause that drink
And wonder that he could be spending the only cent his father had?
The sweat of his daddy's brows he misuses in alcohol
Before, she lets go of her most priced possessions
Does she ever remember her dreams as a child??
Did she turn up as she dreamed
Or her whole life seems to be a dream to her??
He finds comfort in being carried by the wind
Never standing on his ground like a man
Never making his daddy proud
Campus happened we like to say
So now she will dress like a slut
Speak trash
As she never considers the results
Her siblings look up to her
But with time they grow past her
He was the hope of the family
but now he hopelessly drinks around the village
Did he ever pause to think??
Did she ever reconsider??
It sounds absurd being in campus and not having pleasure
Pleasure in women, in men, in weed, in alcohol
But pause and think
Think about the struggles that your parents underwent to bring you here
If not, at least your mum's prayers should not fall on tough dry grounds
And if not, then let your siblings find a model in you
Outlive yourself
Choose wisely
Show me your friends and definitely I can sketch you up
Do you ever pause and think
There's a long term effect to our habits
In the long run brother, you've got to decide
Stand on your own two feet
Ju ni wewe tu unaelewa unakotoka
Girl, carry yourself with all the dignity and respect
I don't wanna have kids look me in the eye and say:
"mama, ain't I glad i dint turn out to be like you!!!!"
The choices we make
Form the lives we live tomorrow.
##I am thinking aloud because it is painful to watch treasures of this world die with so much treasure and potential in them. It Sucks!!!!
Take a minute and pause
See the world through her mother's eyes
Through her tears
Does he ever
Reconsider his actions
Knowing it will hurt, tear and reap somebody out there??
Does she take a minute
Before closing that door with a man she knows not
And reconsider what she is binding herself to??
Does he pause that drink
And wonder that he could be spending the only cent his father had?
The sweat of his daddy's brows he misuses in alcohol
Before, she lets go of her most priced possessions
Does she ever remember her dreams as a child??
Did she turn up as she dreamed
Or her whole life seems to be a dream to her??
He finds comfort in being carried by the wind
Never standing on his ground like a man
Never making his daddy proud
Campus happened we like to say
So now she will dress like a slut
Speak trash
As she never considers the results
Her siblings look up to her
But with time they grow past her
He was the hope of the family
but now he hopelessly drinks around the village
Did he ever pause to think??
Did she ever reconsider??
It sounds absurd being in campus and not having pleasure
Pleasure in women, in men, in weed, in alcohol
But pause and think
Think about the struggles that your parents underwent to bring you here
If not, at least your mum's prayers should not fall on tough dry grounds
And if not, then let your siblings find a model in you
Outlive yourself
Choose wisely
Show me your friends and definitely I can sketch you up
Do you ever pause and think
There's a long term effect to our habits
In the long run brother, you've got to decide
Stand on your own two feet
Ju ni wewe tu unaelewa unakotoka
Girl, carry yourself with all the dignity and respect
I don't wanna have kids look me in the eye and say:
"mama, ain't I glad i dint turn out to be like you!!!!"
The choices we make
Form the lives we live tomorrow.
##I am thinking aloud because it is painful to watch treasures of this world die with so much treasure and potential in them. It Sucks!!!!
08 April, 2011
Honestly Lord...
I want to be honest with You Lord
For if I am not honest with you, I live in deceit
For you knew me even before I was formed in my mother's womb
Lord you predestined my path even before time began
You wove me and you saw i was beautiful
Lord you sacrificed your Son for me
For my sins even before i sinned
You loved me even when the world saw me as a clot of blood
Lord....I want to live worth of my calling
I want to gain favour before man and before you Lord
I want to be faithful even when my flesh is weak Lord
Lord, i want to have faith that can move mountains
I want to walk on waters Lord, without my faith wavering
Daddy I want to keep my eyes on You only
Jesus, i want to turn water into wine
Father, I want to command the lame to pick up their mats and walk
Father, can i touch your garment....
For i have been in this state for way to long
My heavenly Father...
The storms are raging high
The egyptians are not giving up on me
Day and night they wage war on me
Father, with your Word can i part the Red sea??
Father before my enemies
Show yourself strong
Father this battle has never been mine
The battle belongs to the King of Kings
A thousand will fall at my right hand side Lord
Jesus, you are my fortress
My refuge in times of peace.
Holy Spirit, you are my best companion
My helper in this world
You promised to be with me till the end of the age
Father, I am just being real
Being raw and uncut
I am tired of faithless living
Acting like there is no God
Undermining the power of the Almighty
I am sick of conforming to this generation
I wanna be a Caleb and a Joshua
Taking over cities by faith
I wanna be Abraham
Trusting you even when the odds are un ignorable
I wanna be a John the Baptist
Proclaiming your word even when no-one listens
Lord make me a Joseph,
An exemplary leader who understands the value of sexual purity
Father, make me like Esther
Bold yet relies on you Lord through prayer and fasting
Father mould in me Ruth
I wanna be your friend
Unashamed of going to church and bible studies
Remind me of your love and grace at the cross
But also remind me of your wrath
That i may be careful how i live
That I may honour you with my words
May my words be acceptable before you Lord
May my thoughts be pure, lovely,praiseworthy,noble
May my body be a living sacrifice Lord
Lord, with you
Life in purity, genuine service, true unconditional love is possible
Father, i need you to be all that i dream of
I need you to be my teacher
Here I am Lord
Instruct my life
I wanna shine your shine Daddy
Thought I would share this Lord
Your Child,
For if I am not honest with you, I live in deceit
For you knew me even before I was formed in my mother's womb
Lord you predestined my path even before time began
You wove me and you saw i was beautiful
Lord you sacrificed your Son for me
For my sins even before i sinned
You loved me even when the world saw me as a clot of blood
Lord....I want to live worth of my calling
I want to gain favour before man and before you Lord
I want to be faithful even when my flesh is weak Lord
Lord, i want to have faith that can move mountains
I want to walk on waters Lord, without my faith wavering
Daddy I want to keep my eyes on You only
Jesus, i want to turn water into wine
Father, I want to command the lame to pick up their mats and walk
Father, can i touch your garment....
For i have been in this state for way to long
My heavenly Father...
The storms are raging high
The egyptians are not giving up on me
Day and night they wage war on me
Father, with your Word can i part the Red sea??
Father before my enemies
Show yourself strong
Father this battle has never been mine
The battle belongs to the King of Kings
A thousand will fall at my right hand side Lord
Jesus, you are my fortress
My refuge in times of peace.
Holy Spirit, you are my best companion
My helper in this world
You promised to be with me till the end of the age
Father, I am just being real
Being raw and uncut
I am tired of faithless living
Acting like there is no God
Undermining the power of the Almighty
I am sick of conforming to this generation
I wanna be a Caleb and a Joshua
Taking over cities by faith
I wanna be Abraham
Trusting you even when the odds are un ignorable
I wanna be a John the Baptist
Proclaiming your word even when no-one listens
Lord make me a Joseph,
An exemplary leader who understands the value of sexual purity
Father, make me like Esther
Bold yet relies on you Lord through prayer and fasting
Father mould in me Ruth
I wanna be your friend
Unashamed of going to church and bible studies
Remind me of your love and grace at the cross
But also remind me of your wrath
That i may be careful how i live
That I may honour you with my words
May my words be acceptable before you Lord
May my thoughts be pure, lovely,praiseworthy,noble
May my body be a living sacrifice Lord
Lord, with you
Life in purity, genuine service, true unconditional love is possible
Father, i need you to be all that i dream of
I need you to be my teacher
Here I am Lord
Instruct my life
I wanna shine your shine Daddy
Thought I would share this Lord
Your Child,
Is it too late??
Is it too late to write this?
Is it too late to open my heart?
Is it too late to look back and wish i would turn back the arms of time?
Is it too late to reveal my heart's desires?
Is it too late to let you know this?
Will it be wise to do it now?
For i held back for so long!!!!
Is my fear of loving so strong as to deny my heart the joy and bliss it longs for??
Will i sound mad, perhaps a fool?
Will the world define my heart?
For what the heart adores,
It never lets go off
So pardon my heart
For being too late
For listening to the environmental noises
For letting fear hide its real feelings
For holding back for too long
I hope its not too late to say
You are my heart's desire!!!!
With that:
My heart can rest in peace.
Yours truly,
Troubled heart.
Is it too late to open my heart?
Is it too late to look back and wish i would turn back the arms of time?
Is it too late to reveal my heart's desires?
Is it too late to let you know this?
Will it be wise to do it now?
For i held back for so long!!!!
Is my fear of loving so strong as to deny my heart the joy and bliss it longs for??
Will i sound mad, perhaps a fool?
Will the world define my heart?
For what the heart adores,
It never lets go off
So pardon my heart
For being too late
For listening to the environmental noises
For letting fear hide its real feelings
For holding back for too long
I hope its not too late to say
You are my heart's desire!!!!
With that:
My heart can rest in peace.
Yours truly,
Troubled heart.
04 April, 2011
You hurt me....But im letting go
You may not know
but u hurt me
i have been bitter
been angry at the whole world
i am full of bile
for all the pain
the heartache
the damage
the tears
the nightmares
the agonizing pain
the silent screams in my heart
the life on stage
the life i have staged
live on stage
coz i didnt have the courage
to cover my shame
and walk past the shadow of shame
yes....i have been hurt
yes....i have hurt
yes i am hurting
but im letting go
of the baggage
of the weight
of the bitter bile
i am turning my wounds into wisdom
my scars into stars
i am forgetting the cloudy days
i am remembering the day the sun shone on me...
i am forgetting the things that i cannot change
i am remembering the things i learnt from such.
i am learning how to let go
.....learning how to smile through it all.
but u hurt me
i have been bitter
been angry at the whole world
i am full of bile
for all the pain
the heartache
the damage
the tears
the nightmares
the agonizing pain
the silent screams in my heart
the life on stage
the life i have staged
live on stage
coz i didnt have the courage
to cover my shame
and walk past the shadow of shame
yes....i have been hurt
yes....i have hurt
yes i am hurting
but im letting go
of the baggage
of the weight
of the bitter bile
i am turning my wounds into wisdom
my scars into stars
i am forgetting the cloudy days
i am remembering the day the sun shone on me...
i am forgetting the things that i cannot change
i am remembering the things i learnt from such.
i am learning how to let go
.....learning how to smile through it all.
Fan the flame
Every step of the journey I fight
When I have the pride of a lion, I fight
When I am weak....I still fight with the little strength I have
When I crumble down,
I gather myself up and fight
When my temple lies in ruins yet its the House of The Trinity,
like dead bones in the Valley of dry bones
God's Spirit breathes life in me
I am not perfect, oh I am a sinner
A sinner in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus
Just like you reading this,
But I never give up
I never gave the Devil a chance to market himself
Not by my strength but by His Spirit
I brag not of myself....mere man
I am a trademark of Heaven
I decrease while the Lord increases in me
Therefore, I will not tire...I will forge on this walk with my eyes on the Prize
For this walk is not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved
Has Bev been tempted to the point of death??NO!!!
Every temptation I go through is common to man
Have you been ashamed through the city...flogged while carrying a heavy cross and crucified???I DON'T THINK SO
Have you been in a den of lions like Daniel, Meshack and Abednego??I DOUBT
So count it all joy and forge on through your troubles, and through your weaknesses
That you may glorify Your Father in Heaven
Greater is He in You
Watch the midnight oil....pray..keep guard that He may find us standing in faith
For no one knows the hour the Lord will come....like a thief in the night...
Take your full tithe, not in part, to the storehouse...
Don't the scripture say...that He will open the floodgates if you do so....taste and see His goodness
Do good, for a scroll of remembrance exists
Forgive, don't let the sun go down in your anger
Honor the Lord in your Youth
Scriptures say, it is God's will that we be sanctified
Avoid any sexual immorality, control your body desires
Let there be no hint of sexual immorality...
That is how serious God takes holiness
Lay aside all sin that easily snares and entangles us
My dears, we all have dark pages in our life book
Yes we do!!!!
But there is a greater calling
We are marked to make a mark
We can be living testimonies...salt and light of the earth
Only if we fight on !!!!
Fight on with and in Christ
The 1st step of the battle is when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth!!!!
this is what we call SALVATION
Make a choice
Pick up your mat and walk in the light
If you are saved, forge on!!!
A righteous man falls 7times but he gets up my dear
I can get up....You can get up!!!!
Fan the flame of Christ.....don't be ashamed to know the Son of Man
When I have the pride of a lion, I fight
When I am weak....I still fight with the little strength I have
When I crumble down,
I gather myself up and fight
When my temple lies in ruins yet its the House of The Trinity,
like dead bones in the Valley of dry bones
God's Spirit breathes life in me
I am not perfect, oh I am a sinner
A sinner in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus
Just like you reading this,
But I never give up
I never gave the Devil a chance to market himself
Not by my strength but by His Spirit
I brag not of myself....mere man
I am a trademark of Heaven
I decrease while the Lord increases in me
Therefore, I will not tire...I will forge on this walk with my eyes on the Prize
For this walk is not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved
Has Bev been tempted to the point of death??NO!!!
Every temptation I go through is common to man
Have you been ashamed through the city...flogged while carrying a heavy cross and crucified???I DON'T THINK SO
Have you been in a den of lions like Daniel, Meshack and Abednego??I DOUBT
So count it all joy and forge on through your troubles, and through your weaknesses
That you may glorify Your Father in Heaven
Greater is He in You
Watch the midnight oil....pray..keep guard that He may find us standing in faith
For no one knows the hour the Lord will come....like a thief in the night...
Take your full tithe, not in part, to the storehouse...
Don't the scripture say...that He will open the floodgates if you do so....taste and see His goodness
Do good, for a scroll of remembrance exists
Forgive, don't let the sun go down in your anger
Honor the Lord in your Youth
Scriptures say, it is God's will that we be sanctified
Avoid any sexual immorality, control your body desires
Let there be no hint of sexual immorality...
That is how serious God takes holiness
Lay aside all sin that easily snares and entangles us
My dears, we all have dark pages in our life book
Yes we do!!!!
But there is a greater calling
We are marked to make a mark
We can be living testimonies...salt and light of the earth
Only if we fight on !!!!
Fight on with and in Christ
The 1st step of the battle is when you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth!!!!
this is what we call SALVATION
Make a choice
Pick up your mat and walk in the light
If you are saved, forge on!!!
A righteous man falls 7times but he gets up my dear
I can get up....You can get up!!!!
Fan the flame of Christ.....don't be ashamed to know the Son of Man
03 April, 2011
Unmerited Favor
Favour is not fair
Grace is unmerited favour
Sometimes we notice the blessings of the day
There are time we've ignored the hand of God
The fact that we walk on two feet
Can see the beauty of the day,the sky,the rainbow
The fact that we can hear the sound of birds
We have brains to think
The willpower to choose a path of life
A chance to serve in different positions
Friends to make life worth it
A chance to be educated
It is grace that your loved
How many are rejected in this world??
It is grace that you have basic needs
Not the grace of parents,friends or people in high places
But the grace and mercies of God.
Be grateful
Appreciate everything
Complain less
Do not misuse the blessings you have
Do not be proud as if you deserve them
For the Lord upholds the humble
Remember He who blesses you
Before the day ends
Or dawn comes
Thank God for undeserving love
This undeserving love we enjoy
Is the unmerited favour
Courtesy of the Lord God Almighty.
Grace is unmerited favour
Sometimes we notice the blessings of the day
There are time we've ignored the hand of God
The fact that we walk on two feet
Can see the beauty of the day,the sky,the rainbow
The fact that we can hear the sound of birds
We have brains to think
The willpower to choose a path of life
A chance to serve in different positions
Friends to make life worth it
A chance to be educated
It is grace that your loved
How many are rejected in this world??
It is grace that you have basic needs
Not the grace of parents,friends or people in high places
But the grace and mercies of God.
Be grateful
Appreciate everything
Complain less
Do not misuse the blessings you have
Do not be proud as if you deserve them
For the Lord upholds the humble
Remember He who blesses you
Before the day ends
Or dawn comes
Thank God for undeserving love
This undeserving love we enjoy
Is the unmerited favour
Courtesy of the Lord God Almighty.
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