25 February, 2011

Don't be afraid to fly!!!

What does not kill you, makes you stronger

Go through the fire to come out as gold.

You are not a quitter

This world has nothing on you.

God holds you through it all

If He wont get you out through the fire

He will carry you through it all

Learn the lessons

Forget the details

If you want to be a butterfly

You have to accept the process of metamorphosis

Be an eagle

withstand the storm

Soar high

Find an eagle mate

Aim for the sky and beyond

You were not built to break

You are gold!!!

You are redefined

You are precious

Don't be afraid to fly

Regardless of the storms of this life

Keep soaring to greater heights

Shock the world

Don't be afraid to shine your shine.

By your side

My child

I formed you in your mother's womb

I knew where to place you on this earth

I know the number of stars in the sky

I know the hairs on your head

I know your future

I died on the cross for you

Conquered the grave for you child

So why you crying my child??

Why are you striving alone??

Why are you trying to earn grades??

Allow me to lift your face

Just dont turn away my child

Stop looking for love

Stop searching my dear

Am i not enough??

Where will you run to??

I love you unconditionally

I will be by your side

Please dont fight these hands that are holding you

I promised to hold you through it all

I died on that cross

That i may give you life

Allow my blood to make you whole sweetheart

I want you to know that I love you

I wont let you go

I'll be by your side

Whenever you call me

I promised you sweetheart

Call me

I miss you.

Love, God

24 February, 2011

The God-view

The world may consider you finished

But God has just began redefining you

The world sees you as gabbage

But God sees the jewel in you

The world calls you a whore

But Jesus sees you as a princess

The world forgets not your past

Focuses on your present

But God sees who you would become

You may be a failure

But God does not dismiss you

God is a God of 2nd chances

He gives you a chance to come as you are

With all your baggage,

Come unto Him all who are heavy laden

Find rest my soul in God alone

He will receive you with arms wide open

You are wonderfully and beautifully made

You gotta see things the God way my dear

In that way...

You'll realize you are an angel

And God loves you dearly.

Be glad

Be glad


Make merry

Be glad my dear

When life makes no sense

When your heart is hurting

When your life is in turmoil

When your plans dont succeed

When the world sees you as crap

When they gossip you

When a friend betrays you

When all you have is yourself

My dear God is refining you

You'll come out as gold

We are hardpressed on everyside

But not crashed

Persecuted but never abandoned

The fool says in His heart

There's no God

But you know your maker

Trust in Him

Joy cometh in the morning

In th meantime

Praise Him in the storm

Joyfulness shakes the enemy

Praise puts the devil in His right place

Be happy

You coming out as gold sweetheart

Ps:2 corinthians 4:8-10
philippians 4:4
Psalms 103:2

19 February, 2011

He is Supreme

Have you ever sat down and just thought about you and God...

be in that quiet place and dine with God...not snack@Hz table and rush out.

Have you ever given Him your all??

A portion of your time and roach/sit @His crib,where Hz presence is???

I've come to realize many are the

times I'm too busy doing chores,

running to class,attending to my own

personal business that I forgot to

even tell God good morning...

imagine i can't forget to holla at my

best friend,attend lecture...etc etc but I

can forget Him who made me...

most people are busy giving their

time to their relationships,hobbies,

talent or desires...we spend our

lives hooking up,gossiping,doing

extra curricula activities,looking for

love else where yet God waits on us

wide open hands...to embrace us,kiss

us,shelter us,bond with us...

it is ironic how we ignore He who

loves us deeply and honestly to the

point of giving up His only Son 4 me...

for Naliaka...sinful as I am before Him

I realized that its about time He took

that supreme position He's entitled to

lets all give up our idols

be it your man,chick,booze,money,


worship the Lord God,Jehovah!!

lets all tap on God's presence,

lets hang out with Him,

lets dine with Him,

for this is our core business on earth.

So my dear Lord,

forgive me for snacking at your feast,

nibbling at your righteousness

Picking at your promises,

showing up at your table only when I have time...

I'm malnourished by choice Lord...

I choose life,

I choose you to be my Lord God!!


Between the altar and the door.

I'm just wondering what really happens between the altar and the door.

In my sinful state,I make the entrance to God's court

The gates are wide open for all.

I take the brave step towards the altar,into His presence.

In His splendor,I'm guilty but He accuses me not!!!

I'm filthy,not worthy 2 untie His sandals.

I mean I'm not even near heavenly material.

My name tag reads"FOR HELL".

But Christ's love is far reaching.

Its like how far the east is from the west.

He sinks me in His wine,His Spirit.

He renews me,

He makes me blameless,

Spotless as though I had not been condemned before.

He refreshes my soul,quietens my noisy spirit.

He bestows on me peace that transcends all understanding.

He looks at me and calls me His own,apple of Hz eye.


The Lord has equipped me with the

Holy Spirit to go ye to the world and

make disciples in His name

At the altar, the world is in black and white,

I mean how could I ever falter!

From the altar,I begin the walk back to the door that I came in through.

But this time, I'm a new creation with the Spirit's assurance.

With the first 5 steps.

I'm standing strong!

Keeping the fight,representing Jesus to the fullest!

Then I make 2 faint steps...

What's not happening??

Mind battle¿¿war of the heart¿¿

where's my passion for the things of God?

Am I drifting away from my 1st love??


Before I know it,I've grown cold towards His teachings.

I no longer talk intimately with Him

I have lost the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Have you been there???

No sooner than...I'm crawling towards the door.

Church soon becomes a strange place 4 me.

Jesus is out of sight.

And I ask, ''what happened to the anointing I received at the altar???''

Where's the passion I had for my first love??

Where's the sparkle in my eye??

Where's He who holds my heart?

In whom I live,move and have my being!

I'm trapped at the floor...even before I leave the door

Between the altar and the door!!!

I'm trying so hard.

To stop trying so hard.

To let Him be just who He is.

Lord who u are in me!!!

But the chains of yesterday surround me.

I'm drowning in my mess.

Yet I yearn for the strength to keep the fight.

To rise above the storm

I don't wanna end up like before.


Somebody out there understands

what it means to be a fugitive between the altar and the door

we all know what it means to have such wars.

Like Paul said"I don't understand what I

For what i want to do,I don't do,but what I hate I do"Romans 7:15.

When His truth is drowned in the storm we are in.

I have come to let you know that

Jesus died stark naked that you+me

would put our clothes on!!

That you+me will stand up,

dust ourselves and keep our eyes fixed upon the cross!!

In His arms of mercy I find rest

In His promises,I build my faith

In His works,I proclaim His name

The distance between the altar and the door seems short

But thats where all comes crumbling down.

Just between the altar and the door

Where we forget the words He has spoken,

The promises that burn within our hearts grow dim

The walk is not easy,

But hey am I treading on coal alone???

Am I sailing through the storm in solitude???

He promises to be with me to the end of the age

Its never how high I jump

Its never how fast I walk

Its always how STRAIGHT I walk

And my journey is between the altar and the door!!!

My Life, My Book

My life is a book

Mixture of fiction, of horror

of inspiration, of humour, of love and

the likes.

Its got pages of good reading.

And some well,not best selling

maybe the paparazi would like the latter!!

am trying my best to write a book

like the Bible.

one that fulfils,

One that builds with every page

You know a book worth reading!

I wish i would erase some of the pages,bt I can't.

my book unlike ordinary books aint written in paper.

its engraved in stone.

wid every letter I write,

I hope to reflect David's heart...

to relay Solomon's wisdm...

to write every page wid Paul's strength,

with Peter's endurance.

And above all with Christ's love.

That's my wish my desire my prayer.

that at th end of it all my life may be worth writing about.

to say th truth...i jst try.

I'm not perfect.

I'm only bt human!

Burnt Bridges

We all have a past life...the life in our closets.

The life that we let go off,for this we now possess:the new life

We burnt the bridges down...

completely denied the past access to our present life...

we moved on...or so we think we did.

But there comes a season when the bridges we burnt down...

come back one day to haunt us..

when we find our past slowly creeping into our present,

when we find ourselves walking alone that road of life

.......all cold and teary....

when we wish to set the records straight...

we try to make it right...with the best intentions at heart...

...we never meant to hurt...

but still the bridges that we set ablaze...

still come back to haunt us...

when we wish things would go back to the way they were....

that the bridges we set on fire should forever be in our past...

I guess we all have mistakes in our life we aint proud of

we may blame them on people but at the end of it all.....such bridges come back to haunt us...

The bridges of our dark evil days...we know the bridges coz we all burnt them sometime...

The best way to go on after such is to learn the lesson and forget the details...

our past doesnt have anything on us

coz God says:Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is,there's FREEDOM"

We have the Spirit...we are free from bondage of such bridges....

remember the old has gone,the new has come...

The devil has nothing on us!!!!

no man is rich enough to buy his past back coz the power in Christ's blood just DELETED your past from

His database...He opened a new worksheet...

So even though the bridges that we burnt

come back one day to haunt us...

Remember Jesus has got your back...



your past is just your past.PERIOD!!!

Don't waste today regretting yesterday,instead.....

....make a memory for tomorrow...

God bless y'all and keep the faith!!!


For every pain we must bear,

for every sorrow,every care,

God gives hope.

For every painful word that's said

And every teardrop that's shed

God gives hope.

For every heartache...

For every lonely weary mile,

God does gives hope!!!

He made hope to sustain us until we are with Him eternally.

He will carry us through it all,if only we believe

faith faith faith!!keep the faith my friends.

Life is a theatre....invite your audience wisely

Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives.

Thea are some people in our life that need to be loved from a distance...

Its amazing what you can accomplish wen u let go of or atleast minimize your time with draining,negative,incompatible,not going anywhere relationships/friendships.

Observe the relationshps around you,


Which ones lift and which ones lean???

Which ones encourage and which ones discourage???

Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill???

When u leave certain people,do u feel beta or worse???

Which ones always have drama or don't really understand,know or appreciate you???

The more u seek quality,respect,growth,peace of mind,love and truth around u...

the easier it'll become 4 u 2 decide who gets 2 sit in the FRONT ROW and who should

be moved to the BALCONY of your life.


The other side of L.O.V.E

They say ''its better to have loved than not to have loved at all''...

I agree with this..

It is written and the greatest of them all is love.

Love love love

It not a respecter of persons

Or of creed,age,social status

It knows no boundaries

Rich love the poor

Girl loves boy

Man falls in love with woman....

The christians love...

So do the scholars

But there is a downside of love

When love hurts,breaks,cuts you skin deep

When the love that bubbles in you

Burns you like fire

Oh I have been there

Wen whom you love you cannot have

Worse still whom you love,loves u too

When you have to suppress love...

Hide the love

Its killing the love in you

At this point,my heart says''better to have never known love at all''

But will I be saying this out of pain

Out of hurt...

Coz my heart has been slain...

Somebody once told me....

''never give up on love...''

In this haze of love...

In the confusion

In the hurt

Where will my heart lay??

Where will it find peace??

Will it love in pain??

My heart is flesh and blood

bubbling with love...

That cannot be channeled

So help me Father

for this is the other side of love!!!

Raw and Uncut

Let me take you through this life

A self evaluation

A mirror-test

Probably your year kicked off in a bar somewhere...or in a bed u know not...

or it found u crying in your bed...guilt, shame killing you

or you lost a loved one and blamed the world...

Or you searched for God....and you still searching....

Perhaps you don't even know where you are

or worse...u know where you should be but you wont take the road...

is it fear...is it lack of faith???

does a beer or two solve your thirst for God??

does laying a chick solve your problems.???

does exposing the temple of God your body...earn u peace, and favor

does any of these pleasures build your inner self

c'mon lets be vocally bold

sex has never been a solution to your problems

neither has drinking

all these are temporary solutions

bodily satisfaction

but hey judge not

I will not judge you pretty girl for misusing your body

handsome man...i will not base it as a criteria for evaluation

instead i offer truth backed with grace and love....

God hates fornication....even a hint of it....

Read Hz word.Ephesians 5:3

the devil came to steal,kill and destroy

that's why he makes you void and empty...

he strangles the life in you

U wonder why you love that Christian girl/boy my fallen brethren...

its the glory of God you are attracted to....

the God in u is crying out....

hearken to Daddy's voice...

u r precious in His sight...

U r beautiful...

U r a total man in Him

U dont need to prove your prowess young man....

Lady.....honour your body.....

IF you disown his temple, where will the Lord dwell???

So take a step of faith....

Believe in the Son, The Father and The Holy Spirit....

Get saved my friend

I tell u this coz I have deep,genuine and true love for u....

U can get up and walk....I speak life into u for they that have Christ have life

and have it in abundance.

PS:this is your year of salvation....don't b left out my dears.

It's just a season

It is a season

It is an episode of life

It is not permanent

It is just a lesson

For a reason it happened

And the Lord is not shocked about it

I may weep now

but joy awaits in the morning

it may not come tomorrow, or the day after...or next week or next month

but it shall come to pass

at the end of this life

i need to stand before God and give an account of my life

so i will not faint now

i will cry...yes i will...they r liquid prayers...

but i will still do that which i am trained to do

I will accomplish that which i was destined to do

I can never see His glory until i have done my story

so....lemme write my story...with the pen of life...and erase some with tears of pain

but I will not tire of flipping through my life-story

neither will the turmoils of this life deter me...

I'm His...I am the Lord's.....

He'll see me through it all...

He has the better view of my life

I mean He is the Man Upstairs.

Look Up, Get UP

I'm speaking to those broken

To those wailing in their beds at night

I'm speaking to those who hate life and think they are too messed up to catch up

I'm speaking to those whose spirits are broken

To those who've become numb to life

I'm speaking to those like me

My friends,we are broken but not broken to our knees

This is where our power is

IF we can kneel before the king of kings

He can teach us how to fly

By looking up up up, we learn how to get up

Yes the image in our mirrors is depressing

But hey we are still He's children

whether fallen or soaring...He is Daddy...

So...looking back at our past failures strains our neck muscles...

we end up bumping into people not going our way....

So waste not your life...we can make it despite all...

Saints r sinners who kept going...

Keep on keeping on...

Keep on looking up...


17 February, 2011

Give me a chance

This is my plea...

To u my friend...

To the church...

To the people who once believed in me

I know im baggage

Perhaps luggage to u

And to some i am gabbage

Whichever it is...

I know u hve ur reasonz

But gimme a chance....

I keep trying nd trying....

Trust me.....i am .....

But th brown bottle.....

The flashing disco lights....

Th randomness....,

Th fly chics.....th handsome fly dudes....

Th bhang....

Wah...,im chained....bt im trying....

Listen my saved friend.....

Th church....i beg u to listen

Cast me not frm wot wz once home

I know.....niko down....

But help me get up....

I know i kan free my self frm alcoholism....sex....fornication....

I just nid sb to blive in me....

Coz i feel unworthy....

A pat on th bck

A hand to hold me...

A word to inspire

A smile to brighten

A Bible to guide


Prayerz to protect

Iz ol i need

So gimme a chance to b a better me

Coz i know i kan

Hear me aut.....

Judge me not...

Help me aut!!!!!


who is with me on this one...

or am I the only one in this one

i keep running and running

how i wish i was running in the right direction

i am trying

but the distance between me and You Lord keeps getting wider

soon i will be a stranger in the palace

not the queen i was anymore

11 years old in this walk

yet i feel like i am 4000 steps behind the rest

does anybody hear me

does anybody see

does anyone see that I am going down today

this is serious Lord

i realized the distance between the altar and the door is the toughest

under this smile

is a lonely gal seeking for your face Lord

seeking to commune with You

needing Your affection

Your love Lord z all I need

teach me Lord

hold my hand Lord

sometimes i cant hear U

i wonder if You know me

reassure me of Your love Daddy

overflow my cup Lord

call me....by name Lord

Coz in this path between the altar and the door

I need to know You are there with me

Im sorry Lord

i'm simply laying down my crown

coz without U Lord, Im jst but grass

here today....gone tomorrow....

Lord i am listening...Speak, Whisper, shout.....i need to hear from You.

For a minute

for a while...

for a minute....

i kinda forgot wot it means to believe in oneself

i put aside the faith and belief

for a whyle i lost all i had built

i became still and lifeless

and the devil knew i was weary

weary in service...

reluctant in prayer...my only weapon....

shut myself in a cocoon

killing my inner self....

wetting my pillow nyt after nyt

silent screams.....headaches....

for a minute i lived like a pagan....

forgot the scriptures.....

the anointing...

the worship...

bt for a minute......

im reminded of the splendor of the King....

He wraps Himself in light...

darkness trembles at His voice

that is HOW GREAT MY GOD IS!!!!

and for a minute.....

i forgot His power, grace and mercy.....

Lord.......kip my mind and Spirit in touch with each other....

Lord take me to higher grounds....

that I may dine with you Lord.....

and through the fire......the whispers of the Devil....

let me stand firm Lord....

lest for a minute i fall and b part of the past Father.....

take a minute.....

Rem God......

His greatness. splendour......

and honour Him with every breath......everyminute.....

coz today u r here.......

tomorrow u r no more!!!!!!

The unsaid

Usually.....one writes to encourage oneself...and in the process someones soul is uplifted

Rarely, does one sit back,evaluate his life and puts his life on paper

It is hard sometymz to let your struggle out

For fear of being judged

Yet you seek to confide, to seek the power of three in prayer

To find a sister willing to go up the mountain with you, stay wake and seek the Lord wid u nd for u

It is hard ...

staging lives kill u

For fear of being rebuked yet its counsel of the godly that you seek.

Im at a point in life wea paul sez:Lord, i ask of u tht u may take away this thorn in my life

Day in day out, it haunts

It kills

Kills my hope

Lessens my strength

Emptys my heart of love

Devoids my life of fullnesss

Its a struggle...ima b real

It hurts.....ima tell it like it is....

I wanna walk on water

I wanna tell of ths new life of abundance

I wanna speak in heavenly languages

I wanna walk in th Spirit

But Lord!!!!!!

The weights of ths life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear my cry oh Lord

The unsaid....

The unspoken

The cries of a soul

I wanna rise above ths

I wrote ths to encourage my self.....bt olso to speak to sb out thea whoz struggling

U know ur thorn(s)......i know we will make it.....

Pray nd fast......

The Lord will sustain us nd uplift us.


12 February, 2011

My wounds

When Jesus of Nazareth resurrected,He appeared before His disciples and Thomas was not with them.
So the disciples later told Thomas.....'Jesus is risen' but Thomas did not believe...he doubted of that yet He had witnessed the miracles of Jesus.
Jesus then appeared to the disciples again after 8dys when Thomas was with them
Thomas believed because he saw and touched the wounds on Jesus' hands
One has to identify with your wounds sometimes so that healing may come forth, faith may be built and ministry may be enhanced.
I write this blog so that my wounds may be a testimony to those who read this
That people may be encouraged,temples may be rebuilt,lives and souls refreshed,faith may grow within souls
So ima tell my story
Let people see my wounds
Some may even need to touch them so that they may believe
Let my wounds
My past
My mistakes
My failures be my ministry
May they touch somebody
Minister to their lives
Not how much i have hacked through it all
But how far the Lord has been gracious and merciful
My wounds are my ministry
But the glory is to my Father in heaven:-)

The boat sails

This is just to encourage someone out there
Who's been on the cold side of life
Who is wondering whether God cares
Yes He does my dear
If life was all smooth,how would man know the power of God
how would God reveal His mighty works??
We have to lack,to see Him as the provider
We have to fall,to see Him as our Saviour
We have to be weary,that His strength is felt
We have to cry, that His arms may comfort us
We have to loose our idols,that we may recognize He is a jealous God
And the list is endless....there's His grace,love,faithfulness,priesthood,fatherhood,counsellor,maker
My friend,we can never have too much of God
Therefore my dear,sail on through the storms of life
Knowing that you are never alone
Knowing that grace is always in proportion to your task
Faint not,
You have all it takes to wade through this life
If only you look Up
Jesus is the way,the truth and the life!!!
Decide to sail with the Lord today:-)

Whatever happened!!!

What happened to the days when people believed in love and safeguarded their love??
What happened to family being supreme???
What happened to 1 man 1 wife kinda love???
What happened to fathers viewing their daughters as so and not sexual objects???
What happened to bodies being temple of our Maker???
What happened to dignity??to chastity??
What happened to humans being equal and respecting each other??
What happened to compassion among men??
What happened to respect to God???
What happened????
How does a man enjoy sex with a fellow man???or a man and an animal???an adult and an infant???a young man and a 70 yr old granny??
How does a woman sell her body to a man??or a woman??or to an object??
How do you let intoxication fool you??
How do you let a man carress your body??sexual highness???
What is happening????
The youth????????
Future leaders???
Future hope???
where is the hope for the society amidst all this????
What happened??!!!

Use me Lord

Use me Lord
Use me to the glory of your Kingdom
What use is it to me if i gain the whole world yet loose my soul in the end??
How will it profit my soul??
Use me Lord
Fill my cup
Let it runneth ove Lord
Let my heart be a temple of Your Spirit Lord
Let me dwell in Your presence Lord
Let me dine with You Lord
Lemme understand kingdom business
Use me Lord
Let me thy servant in thine kingdom Father
Lord, my prayer is to be Your Vessel
Lemme decrease Lord
As the trinity of God the Father,Son & Holy Spirit abides in me Lord
This i pray Father.

05 February, 2011

Dear Life,

Dear life,

Guess by now you are well acquainted with me
I mean,its been 23 years, 10 months since my inception into your territory
Im grateful for the memories i have acquired on mother earth
The friendships that have come my way
For the salvation of my soul
For love, received and given
For the successes and the blessings this far
But life,
I am tired of the huddles
I am tired of broken hearts
I am tired of losing loved ones
I kinda need a break from the sequence of events lately
I need the unity of family
The strong bond of love
The fun, the company
You know.....
Life, teach me the lessons but lemme enjoy the journey as well
Kindly balance the good and the ugly
And when you teach me the lessons, may i not forget their value
Help me encourage the hopeless
Help me love the unwanted
Let the cruelty of the world not take me by storm
This is my solemn prayer..

Yours truly,
Life partaker.

Mirror vs Me

Today is one of those days
I woke up
Stood before the mirror
And it was the mirror vs me

I was fatigued
Heavy eyed
In need of a revival
That was me

Yet the mirror reflected another
She was beautiful
Lovely and loved
Bright and intelligent
Radiating His goodness
Ecstatic about life

All this ,
The mirror vs me.

All I want

I don't want money
I don't want hype
I don't want alcohol
I don't want sex
I don't want to travel
I don't want fame
I don't want glory
I don't want any of this
My heart is not in this
All i want is genuine lives
Humble souls
True friendships
I want peace of mind
Peace that surpases human understanding
I want wisdom
I want self control
I want a heart of love
Love that doesnt revenge,keep record of wrongs,kind love..
The kind God advocates
I want the blessing of fellowship.
The sweetness of worship
I want the fun of friendships
You know....
My heart craves for these
Until then
Let the waters rise
I will get there someday.

Tough year

When 2010 ended..
I was looking forward to 2011
But never at any point in my life did my heart know what the future held out for me
Never did my mind fathom of the storms that await me
With a child's innocence,
I welcomed the new year
And here i am
No peace
No joy
No happiness
No hope
No strength
No courage
No love
Just me
Empty me
2011, though the 2nd month feels so heavy on me
Where do i start??
Troubled heart
Cold heart
Mind boggled
Many questions
No answers
Name it
Where did i lose it all??
Where did i fail??
Where is my strength?
Where can i ran to?
Where do i hide my troubled heart, heavy eyes and pointless life????
And the sad part of this
Its only February!!!!!!

02 February, 2011

Chasing the wind

Have you ever woken up one day and realised that you've been chasing the wind??
Or that all you've been seeing was a mirage??
You see,that's the irony of life
Sometimes you gotta chase butterflies
Othertimes..you gotta realize its just the wind
You gotta engage your mind at all times
Even God says,the heart is deceitful above all things
Never park your mind
Your mind is your life
Emotions are beautiful but not on empty minds
Be careful with your life my dear
Lest you keep chasing the wind.


Somebody wake me up
Wake me up from this harsh reality
The realisation that i had been asleep
Somebody pinch me
Take me back in time
That i may choose wise paths
i need to open my eyes
Clear my tears
I am in the harsh reality
Hacking through it is hard
But through the haze
Through the craze
may i wake up in one piece
May i lead myself to wise paths
That sorrow may not be my passion
....i have it in me
I just have to find my life in me
Before....its too late