29 May, 2011

I do....Ooops!!!

We are gathered here in holy matrimony

To witness the union between 'him' and 'her'

do you take her to be your lawful wedded wife,

To love and to cherish,

To guard and to protect

In sickness and in health

In good times and bad times

Till death do you part?

And he responds: Yes I do, Yes I do with boldness and without hesitation

Then comes her turn and the priest rolls out the same script.

Her response like her man's: Yes I do

And you may now kiss the bride!!!

Mr and Mrs Him!!!

Yes they do

They promise to stick to each other faithfully

To love in good times and bad times

To respect each other

To build their home together as one

As long as God gives them the breath to do so

Before God they seal their love

Before men they profess their undying love

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother

And he shall be united to his wife and the two shall become ONE

Marriage is biblical.....Genesis 2:24

And we celebrate their union and shower them with gifts

End of the wedding chapter

The beginning of the marriage chapter

Wedding is a community engagement but marriage is between two people

And months pass

A year's anniversary is marked

The love is as fresh as dew

The couple is seen together

They are literally one in attendance of events or in their engagement in activities.

The single ladies admire the man and wish they found a man like that

The men congratulate the groom on finding a rare and quality woman

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord

2 years down the marriage,

Life and family responsibilities dawn on the couple.

Not to forget the corporate ladder gets steeper as responsibilities get bigger

They need a bigger house, a family house

The car model is ancient, status has to be maintained

The wife needs to maintain her youthfulness, the competition from the campus young ladies is steep

Investment need to be acquired

I mean, they are in the rat race full-swing

The pressure depends on what sort of rats they'd love to be

Before you know it

Familiarity breeds contempt

We are to busy to grow in love together

We drive to work in silence, fuming inside

Cursing on God and regretting the I DO!!!

He replaces the quality time at home with bar time

For a nagging wife awaits him in the home

He soon sips a drink that reminds him of his campus life

Re-ignites his past life

His arrogance covers the home

She soon gets tired of talking and caring

The nanny raises her children

She neglect her matrimonial home

Her mind is preoccupied with the corporate ladder

If her brains wont get her the jobs, her boobs will

Her success is acquired through the sheets with her bosses

The home that was blessed before God and man

Hangs on a string

This home becomes another statistic to prove marriages wrong in the 21st century

When we said I DO we made a covenant, not a contract

Love is patient, kind, doesn't envy or boast

Never proud,rude, angered or self seeking

Love always protects,trusts,hopes and perseveres

That is what we need between a man and a woman

Love that endures stresses

Love that endures economic crises

Love that is faithful to keep off that flirt

Love that guards the homes our kids grow in

Love that keeps its eyes on God

A house built on strong foundation will endure

A house on the ROCK who is Jesus will stand the gates of hell

Let us not be part of another statistic

If we must, let's be counted among the most successful marriages of all time

Let unions be a 3cord strand...God, him and her

Involve God in your dating...

Dont let Him in when it too late

Or else...

It will be a case of I DO...OOOPS, I THINK I DID scenario.

Marriages can still stand in the 21st century. Pure and faithful spouses exist. Seek His perfect will and guidance.

God bless

If you must...!!!

Mae West said:"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough".I call that GOOD WORD!!! Wisdom in its every essence.

If you must live(no choice here coz you are already on earth), then you must live right and accordingly.

If you must love, love with the purity and sincerity of the heart

If you must be a parent, be the best parent there ever be

If you must lead, lead with integrity and honesty

If you must succeed, then engrave your legacy on this earth

If you must do anything,

Put your whole heart in it

We should be either cold or hot

Never lukewarm

Even God advocates that we are either in Him or not

Luke warm people shall be spat out of God's mouth

And if you must do anything wholeheartedly...

May what you do be in His perfect will and law!!

Have a blessed week....for sure it must be for God is full of blessings!!!

Be found on the God side!!

with Love,


***My thoughts

I know life is tough

I am living in it too you know

Nothing comes easy

There are wars, economic crises, suicidal cases, murder

You name it.

Even the world was allegedly ending

I guess we are not the only ones tired of this life!!!

Recently, I was asking God....."Really!!!!!Must life be this cruel???"

I mean a faithful wife lands on a drunken adulterous husband

A hardworking man tarmacs all through his life

And when opportunity knocks the door, It peeps in, never opens the door wide open

A hard working parent swots day and night for his child to have a wonderful life

Yet the child, squanders the sweat of his father in women and drugs

A mother's knees are scarred due to the 3am prayers she makes for her family for 24 years

Yet, she's arrogantly assumed in the family

A girl pledges her heart to a man,

And the man promises his heart to many

Same script, different cast scenario

A servant faithfully serves his master

A master faithfully disregards him day in day out

And the Lord opened my mind.

Didn't He love what He created?

He never sleeps nor slumbers??

Sometimes I am busy looking for the answers to the mysteries of this life

Yet, that is not my jurisdiction.

My role is to live faithfully regardless of other variables

Mine is to live worthy of my calling

The judgement seat belongs to Abba Father

The questions and mysteries of this world are not ours to fathom

I fix my eyes upon the prize

I will do my part

Paint my world beautifully

The rest I leave to God
They say salvation is hard

To some it is unattainable

To others it is a dream

It is for the chosen few

To some of us, it is a reality

Salvation requires commitment

It is a relationship between two people

Salvation is hard, if not taken seriously

Well so is maths, so is engineering

So is raising children, so is life!!!

But hey don't we succeed in Maths??

Aren't there successful engineers??

Look at the children being born and raised today

They become icons in the society thanks to some serious parents somewhere

We give life our all

We meet targets

We go an extra mile for earthly benefits

But, utter the word salvation

A whole man caves in

The perception is salvation denies me of living life to its full!!!

It is believed if you’re saved, you got no life!!!


He who gives life and life in abundance is tagged as shady

He who created the beautiful sky and suspends the sun on it,

Fixed beautiful constellations

He who created the oceans we enjoy

The beaches we lie on

The landscapes we admire

The handsome men we fall for

He who created everything and it was beautiful

That same man is ignored

He is disregarded, an outcast in many hearts!!!

He who gave His life on the cross

Was flogged for sinners like us!!!

He had the power to say ''This is too much"


He endure the cross for me and you

His love, His grace was in abundance for man

That same Man we dare ignore

Instead we worship MONEY

Our god is OUR WOMEN

OUR MEN are adored beyond the creator


We worship ALCOHOL!

One man said if the world was to end now,

He has to grab a beer because he is not sure he'll find his favorable brand in the next life

A sigh of disappointment

Where is the fear and respect when it comes to GOD??

Be careful how you address Him

Who speak foolishly before their Creator

Speak with wisdom

Know this Son of Man

It is a choice

Believe in your heart

Confess with your mouth

That Jesus is Lord

That is salvation

Salvation is by GRACE, never WORKS!!

The Lord washes us anew

Choose life

Choose Lord, the God of Moses, Jacob

The thief came to steal, kill and destroy

But Jesus came that we may have life and life in abundance.

Say Yes to life, and find life

John 3:16 John 10:10
John 3:5-15 John 12:24-26
Romans 10:9-10 Ephesians 2:8

My Prayer, My Desire

May the meditation of my heart

May the words of my mouth

Be acceptable in your sight Lord

May my sacrifice please you Lord

May every word that proceeds from my mouth bless and not curse

May my eyes show compassion to Your people Lord

May my hands bless you Lord

May they provoke a blessing in heaven Lord

May my feet lead me to the paths of righteousness

Lord may the meetings I attend

The interviews I am called to

May the vehicles I drive in

May the rooms I enter

May the people that You bring my way

Testify of the God in me

May your glory be before me

Shield me from the schemes of the Enemy

Lust of the flesh

The pride of life

The lust of the eye is not my portion Lord

Gladden my Spirit Father

That I may not cause a brother or a sister to fall

Lord This I pray

That my joy shall overflow

My peace shall be beyond any human understanding

And Lord please,

Mark me!!!

Mark me as Your own

Brand Me Lord

Help me not to forget I am Yours

Father may my lips know no blasphemous words

May they know no slander

May my phone know no flirts,

No hint of sexual sin

My FaceBook Inbox too Lord

May all you have entrusted me Lord

Be a blessing to You Lord and before Men too.

With faith Lord,


I choose God with no regrets!!!

Lord don’t just take my words this time,

May actions accompany them too Daddy

24 May, 2011

So what???

Life can be really tough on us sometimes

But no matter what we got to grab life by its horns and forge on

I just wanted to encourage somebody out there

Is your candle light flickering??

Is your hope fading??

A wise man once side that we were born wet,naked and hungry then things get worse

So we'd better buckle up,

Fix our eyes on the prize regardless of the distractions around us

We have to adopt an attitude to make it in this life

So my dear

So what your boss tried to put you down??

So what your friends are your foes in disguise??

So what you've failed a test??

So what you didnt get a promotion??

So what the love of your life left you unexpectedly??

So what you haven't found the love of your life??

So what your family isn't the ideal family??

So what your broke??

So what all is not well??

So what??!!!!

Nothing grows on mountain tops

True growth is in th valley

Appreciate the struggles life throws your way

My dear, we waste time sulking and blaming the heavens..

We can thank God for the lil blessings we've got coz it could have been worse

Face each day with confidence

Aren't you a child of the Most High

If birds hack and survive

Why do we worry??

We were blessed with brains

We can change our circumstances with knowledge and wisdom

With God as the captain

We can stand on the ocean without sinking

We can soar high above

My dear

So what the Devil is on your case

Show Him that the Lord is on 24hrs guard

He is on your case day and night

The devil may try to shake your confidence

But you know whom you have believeth

Fix your eyes on Him

He'll prove the devil wrong!!!!

So go out into the world and 'kiss ass'

Conquer and reign

Take over cities

Your destined to excel

You are a winner

Tail mentality is not ours!!!!!

Start getting accustomed to the winning territory

Coz that's what you'll be doing all through your life!!!

God bless.....Win Win Win....

22 May, 2011

When my words fail..

Dear Lord,

Sometimes words fail me

Sometimes I am silent in Your presence

Sometimes my mouth can't speak as fast as my mind is processing my thoughts

Lord, there are such days

Sometimes such days become such months Lord

Its not that I have nothing to say but I get overwhelmed


When my words fail, my tears shall speak for me

Bottle my tears and may they be an offering to you Lord

When I lack words Lord

When my praises go up Lord

May they please You Lord

I want make you smile Lord even in my downside

For God, when you smile on me

You erase my pains and fears

You reassure me of Your love

Lord when words fail me

Let the whispers in my heart speak to You my Lord

Let my worship be to You only Lord

Words may fail me

But Lord, whatever it takes to be in your palace

Here I am Lord

For when the enemy wages war to faint my heart

To rip me of my faith

To smear the blood of hatred on my face,

Of deceit

To inject me with pain

Pain that kills my heart

That makes me numb


May my power to worship you never cease

For when words fail Lord

I will still look to You

In tears, I will worship You Lord

Your promises shall be my rock

Your word my comforter.


I stand still amidst all the turmoil

In your throne room

I will wait on You Father

13 May, 2011

Looking beyond their covers

I am in a matatu(public service vehicle), and the music is booming seriously so I am peeping through the window. I tell you Eastlands can be interesting. From the side-road mama mbogas, to the jobless corner, not to forget the valued mitumbas by the road side. You never lack something interesting for your eyes to feast on...(for those who don't know eastlands, I'm sure right now your wondering this chick should get serious)

Anyway,stick with me. My point is nigh. As we try navigate the jam on the famous Jogoo Road, my eyes land on a fellow human element. Its drizzling, its cold and this Kenyan is just being Kenyan. She adorns herself in a really short mini minute(note my combination of words) skirt, with daring 6 inch stilettos.Her hair is exotic; very long thanks to the innovation of human hair aka expensive weaves. The make up is daring...but I must say I loved how she brought forth her eyes...must be her area of strength. She is endowed and clearly depicts that through her dressing. She is freezing at the Hamza stage chilling for a mat to take her home i presumed. The aura around this lady is the diva attitude.

My mind began to wonder and question the character of the young lady.I was like, Oh I love the boldness but is it wise to dress like that considering the current weather conditions??Then some brain matter in me thought, Oh no!!!What you advertise is what you get!!! then I thought, typical Nairobi woman.....or maybe she ain't going home....mpango wa side perhaps....And the thoughts escalated further and further long after we had passed by her.

After around half an hour or so, something came to my mind.Isn't that how we lose out on stuff? Not referring to the young lady's side of the teaching(that's for another day) but on my side of the coin!!! I looked and I judged...truth be told, first hand. I did not see any good in her, none whatsoever!!! I saw the outward, I concluded. That's man!!!reality of the matter.

However, when David was being elected King, God said that man looks at the outside but He is concerned with the sincerity of the heart(1 Samuel 16:7)What If I met her one-on-one, I would have missed an evangelism opportunity because of my human weakness. I have to look beyond the covers to reach out. That is the secret!!

If I see her by my human abilities, I fail in my Kingdom mandate which is to go and make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Trinity(Matthew 28:18)I have to relate to ones heart, one character to know their story. Through their story, His glory can be manifested.

While God is an interior designer, i seem to be more of a landscapper. Attracted to the outside, blind to the inside nitty gritty details. We have to look beyond the covers my dears. Yes she does not display much to your eyes, yes he seems otherwise in your eyes....leave the judgement seat to God. Its His duty. Our work, is to love without limits, to love them who seem 'unworthy,undeserving' into the kingdom.

If by anything, GRACE abounds because Christ paid it all. They too have a right to approach the throne of grace with confidence so that they may obtain mercy and find grace. So let's quit judging and lets be encouragers of the gospel to all regardless of their outer covering....We didn't do the dying on the cross, the least we can do is to look beyond their covers. They too deserve to be loved and know the giver of life!!!

# His love is stronger than our shame. My lesson for the day. Thank You Lord.# change of heart.

Wise men...wise words!!

1. If it didn't endure it was not love!!! Pastor T

2. Do not fall in love with every good person that comes along. You know you deserve the best, only the best belongs to you.

3. Being different means talking about God when everyone would rather talk about lady gaga!!! Natasha Kimani

4. Half water, half air...technically the glass is full.

5. If sex made a great woman and marriage, then all prostitutes would be highly esteemed and married.

6. Hold a true friend with both hands. Friedrich

7. Never underestimate Jesus because He'll just prove you wrong.

8. Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead. Don't write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now.

9. Something happens when I stop crying and start praying!!!

10. There are habits we squeeze out, others we starve out but some we need to cast out in order to grow.

Be blessed. Come out and be counted

His Love, My greatest blessing

Lord it used to be darkness

I lived my life in blindness

My pride took to my pitfall

My arrogance Lord could not allow my knees to kneel

I lost my way in the woods

I was lost Lord

My lifeboat had capsized

I was dead and gone

Until your love came Lord

Now I sing because of you

A temple under construction

For your love Lord

Is stronger than my shame

Greater than my pain Lord

You loved me

When I was dead, reckless,homeless,tattered and lost

Lord when I found you

I found love

Love that i had never found

Love that i had never received

For all you've done Lord I'm grateful

With you Lord

I have found love

Just what i needed

Immense love just to hold my world together

I love you Daddy

11 May, 2011

That's my God; Know Him

The Lord will remember me through this all just like Joshua remembered Rahab the prostitute

The Lord will wipe my tears, He promised joy comes in the morning

The Lord will be my strength, He said for when I'm weak He is strong

The Lord will deliver me from this battle, He said the battle belongs to Him

The Lord is ever faithful, the only one I can turn to anytime.

He said He is not man that He should lie

He is faithful even when we are faithless

The Lord will shield me from my enemies

He is my fortress

And even when my life seems chaotic full of storms and uncertain

He is a God of order and He holds my world in His hand

He will remember me and He will restore what the locust has eaten

He has given me power to trample over scorpions

I believe in God even when He is silent

I believe in healing even at my deathbed

I believe in love even when I am alone

For I do not believe in gods carved by human hands

Or in men of flesh and blood

I believe in Yahweh who part the red sea for Israelites

I believe in Jehovah who supplied manna for them

In Jesus who healed the Centurion's Son

In Him, who by the touch of His garment healed a woman with 12 years bleeding God

I have not been tried to the point of death

Neither are my storms extraordinary to God

He is the King of Kings

I believe in Him

He will deliver me

All for the glory of His name

09 May, 2011

#Being real

God is beyond our understanding

Who can demystify Him??

Full of grace and mercy

When He remembers our sins no more that is grace

Then He blesses us undeservingly

That's His mercy in action

Sometimes God floods us with blessings we dont deserve

And we get used to it

Familiarity breeds contempt they say

Then we take it for granted

We become busy bodies

Too busy for God

We get the pride of life

Arrogance, when deep down we know God may turn tables anytime

We forsake His fellowship

Bibles get dusty

Salvation becomes too religious and shady

We worship the cars we drive

We sin in the cars that God blesses us

Back seats have become beds of sin

The money God saw fit to bless us with

Is the same one we kiss the devil with

We make altars with the devil,

Some we know not off

God says if we are faithful with little

He will entrust with more

To whom much is given

Must is expected

Dont exhalt ourselves

Become small God

Whereas all we are

All we own

Is the Lord's

Let's not grieve God

How we handle our wealth

Is worship before the Lord

I'm just being real with myself, my God and with you

I never want to irritate God

To the point that He gets tired of me and spits me out

I'd rather be applauded by God than men

I wanna be a different 24 year old

I want to make my Dad proud

I wanna be faithful

He uplifts the humble

The proud He resists!!!

08 May, 2011

Invisible scars

Our words

Our actions

When inappropriately used

Scar the people around us

I like to call such invisible scars

Scars that can't be seen

They ain't like bruises or burns that

We can see the extent of the harm we cause

A wise man said that children show scars like medals

Lovers use them as secrets to reveal

A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh

When a house girl is molested

A child is raped by a father

A girl is hurled at words....words that echo and sap her of today's strength

When a waiter is insulted

A plump girl is mocked because of her weight

When your classmates pick on you

When a husband cheats on his wife

When a mother disowns her child

When a friend betrays another

When the person you love and trust looks you into the eyes and lies

When your lover plays you

Such are the deepest scars etched in ones heart

To open such a heart is to expose ones scars

To expose a wound to cold

So many times we die with such scars

We cry in our beds

We cage ourselves in our pain

We shut the world

we keep hurting

At times hurting souls hurt others

Invisible scars are the deepest of all!!!!

Out of suffering my dear,

have strongest souls emerged.

The heroes of today are the most scarred

The only difference is that they made a decision to turn their scars into stars

I will not be a bad mother because i had no mother

I will not be an unfaithful friend because I was betrayed

I will not be a prostitute because somebody stole my dignity in my childhood

I will not be a player because some boy somewhere took me for granted

I will not take love for granted because I have been hurt before

I will not let others be a victim of my scars!!!

The beauty about scars is that a scar means that a hurt is over

Damage has already been done

The hurt is over

I need to close the wound, heal and be done with

I know it hurts

I have been there

But you keep hurting yourself and others to

You need to rise above such scars

Invisible, yet painful

But God is able to turn it around

He will restore what the locust has destroyed

Let him heal your scars

Let Him shine His light

What the Devil meant for harm

God can turn it around

And the people who hurt you shall bow before you in awe and wonder

They shall know that our God never sleeps

He is never off duty

God is not concerned with your medals, or degrees

He is interested in your heart

Where scars are.

Memories of this age

What are memories?

If not hidden treasures of past occurrences etched in our minds

Vivid pictures that we safely store

That we shall sit on the beach

Or under the moonlight

Or during dinners with our families

And narrate back in the days stories

Stories that will build our children

And who knows transform the world too.

But what memories do we carry around?

What wisdom will we pass on??

what evidence will the heavens write on us??

Memories of this age!!!!

The funny thing about memories is that they ain't fantasies or dreams

Memories are past occurrences

What stories will we have for the products of our generation

Think about the power of your actions

Will we brag of sex with hookers??

Will we brag of being conquerors with women??

Each Friday is a new woman??

Maybe the drinking sprees?

The vulgar talk will do?

Or perhaps how much we've conned people??

Maybe its the mwakenyas in the exam room??

Think about

To your kid, your the hero

Are these the hero stories to narrate??

What kids will we bring up??

Do you know its our responsibility to raise our children in the fear of the Lord...in reverence of the King of Kings

The time is now

The time to create memories of power is now!!

I am tired of being cliche personally!!!

What about purposeful living??

What about self control??

What about self worth??

What about the power of our words??

God says: Rejoice young man in your youth

let your heart cheer you in the days of your faith

walk in the ways of your heart

and in the sight of your eyes

but know that for all these

God will bring you into judgement Ecc. 11:9

God knew man will follow his heart that is deceitful above all

He knew his eyes would lust for the temporary stuff

So He set rules

Not compulsory military ones

But He gave us the free will to choose

Choose ye today what kind of life you wanna believe

Your life will paint your memories

Choose your canvas wisely

Select your brushes with intelligence

Pick your colors wit-fully

Do your painting like the creator

Paint it beautifully.

Make the memories worth the audience.

06 May, 2011

Siwezi simama bila Yesu!!!

Ufikapo wakati ambapo mtu huzama

Maisha hukulemea

Kilio ndicho chako kila wakati

Alfajiri na jioni wamsaka Mola


Angalau akukumbuke

Maadui wamekuzingira

Hakuna cha kukuridhisha, cha kukutuliza roho

Kama Ayubu alipoteseka duniani na alimcha Mungu wakati wote

Hatujajaribiwa mpaka tukapatana na kifo

Nitamkimbilia Bwana

Yeye ndiye penzi langu

Maadui wanaposherehekea vita vyangu

Sitamsuta Maulana

Nanyenyekea mbele zake

Nikosapo nguvu



Nikishushwa moyo na dunia

Napata matumaini Calvary

Alisulubiwa juu yangu



Ili nami nipate uhai na uhai halisi

siwezi simama kwa upweke

Yesu ananishikilia kila wakati

Ata wakati huu ambapo ndugu yangu anaugua

Yesu ni Bwana

Wakati marafiki hawapatikani

Yesu yupo

Pesa haipo

Yesu yupo

Usaliti wa wapenzi

Yesu yupo

Nipo,ju Yesu yu hai ndani yangu

Siwezi simama wima pekee yangu

Lakini, nasimama juu yake Yesu!!!!